Fireside 2.1 ( Sacred Magic Blog Fri, 02 Jun 2023 11:00:00 -0600 Sacred Magic Blog en-us MEDITATION: Chakra Healing Fri, 02 Jun 2023 11:00:00 -0600 [email protected] 4eb3a074-6142-4223-88fe-ea029cbc8444 Vialet shares this chakra healing meditation. Find a comfortable place without distraction.
Set your Sacred Space.
Light a candle.
Take some deep, cleansing breaths.
Allow each breath, in and out, to center and ground you.
You may pause the video until you are ready to begin.
When you are ready push play and begin the meditation. (Pause)
You can listen to the meditation here:

Continue to take deep breaths in and out.
Allow your breaths to align with your heartbeat.
These breaths are gentle and healing.
Each breath is taking you deeper into a meditative state.
Your shoulders are beginning to relax.
You are becoming more and more comfortable in your space.
You are resting comfortably in a beautiful healing chamber.
You are lying flat on a soft bed and the lighting is dim.
As you look around the room, the ceiling and walls are clear quartz crystals.
The space seems to be vibrating in alignment to your breaths.
As you listen to my voice, you are going deeper within yourself.
Today, we are going to clear, balance, and activate your chakras.
The chakras are etheric energy centers connecting with all the energies around you.

Take a moment and connect with your Root Base Chakra.
It is located at the base of your spine.
This chakra is associated with the energies of strength, survival, success, passion, security, focus, and grounding.
How secure are you in your life? (Pause)
Do you feel financially secure? (Pause)
Are you able to be physically present? (Pause)
The healing chamber shifts to the color red.
The clear quartz crystals are bright red.
Red light fills the chamber, and everything is bright red.
Breathe this healing red light into your body.
Allow these energies to move into every cell.
As the energy moves into your body, visualize any and all stuck energy being released.
Release any fears and doubts that you have in living a secure life.
With intention, visualize your Root Base Chakra spinning clockwise.
Take some deep cleansing breaths.
Allow yourself to disconnect from the energies of red.
Breathe in and out with grace and ease (Pause)

Take a moment and connect with your Sacral Chakra.
It is located just below the belly button.
This chakra is associated with the energies of creativity, sexuality, sensuality, fertility, and pleasure.
How creative are you? (Pause)
Do you feel sexy? (Pause)
Are you able to connect with your sensuality? (Pause)
The healing chamber shifts to the color orange.
The clear quartz crystals are now a bold orange color.
Orange light fills the chamber, and everything is bold orange.
Breathe this healing orange light into your body.
Allow the energies to move into every cell.
As the energy moves into your body, visualize any and all stuck energy being released.
Release any blocks you may have to your passion and sexuality.
With intention, visualize your Sacral Chakra spinning clockwise.
Take some deep cleansing breaths.
Allow yourself to disconnect from the energies of orange.
Breathe in and out with grace and ease (Pause)

Take a moment and connect with your Solar Plexus Chakra.
It is located just above the belly button.
This chakra is associated with the energies of self-confidence, personal power, joy, clarity, and motivation.
How confident are you? (Pause)
Do you feel motivated? (Pause)
Are you able to stand in your own personal power? (Pause)
The healing chamber shifts to the color yellow.
The clear quartz crystals are now bright yellow.
This yellow light fills the chamber, and everything is bright yellow.
Breathe this healing yellow light into your body.
Allow the energies to move into every cell.
As the energy moves into your body, visualize any and all stuck energy being released.
Release any blocks you have with your self-confidence.
With intention, visualize your Solar Plexus Chakra spinning clockwise.
Take some deep cleansing breaths.
Allow yourself to disconnect from the energies of yellow.
Breathe in and out with grace and ease (Pause)

Take a moment and connect with your Heart Chakra.
It is located in the center of the chest.
This chakra is associated with the energies of love, kindness, healing, generosity, and forgiveness.
How compassionate are you with others? (Pause)
Do you easily forgive others? (Pause)
Are you open to love? (Pause)
The healing chamber shifts to the color green.
The clear quartz crystals are now a bold green.
Green light fills the chamber, and everything is bold green.
Breathe this healing green light into your body.
Allow the energies to move into every cell.
As the energy moves into your body, visualize any and all stuck energy being released.
Release any blocks to love, healing, & forgiveness.
With intention, visualize your Heart Chakra spinning clockwise.
Take some deep cleansing breaths.
Allow yourself to disconnect from the energies of green.
Breathe in and out with grace and ease (Pause)

Take a moment and connect with your Throat Chakra.
It is located in the throat area.
This chakra is associated with the energies of self-expression, communication, freedom, and speaking your truth.
How do you show up in life? (Pause)
Do you easily express your words and feelings to others? (Pause)
Are you able to speak your truth? (Pause)
The healing chamber shifts to the color blue.
The clear quartz crystals are now a bright blue.
Blue light fills the chamber, and everything is bright blue.
Breathe this healing blue light into your body.
Allow the energies to move into every cell.
As the energy moves into your body, visualize any and all stuck energy being released.
Release any blocks to speaking your truth and being authentic.
With intention, visualize your Throat Chakra spinning clockwise.
Take some deep cleansing breaths.
Allow yourself to disconnect from the energies of blue.
Breathe in and out with grace and ease (Pause)

Take a moment and connect with your Third Eye Chakra.
It is located in the center of the head.
This chakra is associated with the energies of awakening, ascension, psychic gifts, inner vision, and wisdom.
Do you trust yourself to make good decisions? (Pause)
Do you often experience clarity in your life? (Pause)
Are you open to listening to your intuition? (Pause)
The healing chamber shifts to the color indigo blue.
The clear quartz crystals are now a deep indigo blue.
Blue light fills the chamber, and everything is deep blue.
Breathe this healing blue light into your body.
Allow the energies to move into every cell.
As the energy moves into your body, visualize any and all stuck energy being released.
Release any blocks to your intuitive gifts.
With intention, visualize your Third Eye Chakra spinning clockwise.
Take some deep cleansing breaths.
Allow yourself to disconnect from the energies of blue.
Breathe in and out with grace and ease (Pause)

Take a moment and connect with your Crown Chakra.
It is located at the top of the head.
This chakra is associated with the energies of angelic, spirituality, purity, divinity, and potential.

How do you feel about your spirituality? (Pause)
Do you easily connect to the angelic realm and upper dimensions? (Pause)
Are you able to step into your divinity? (Pause)
The healing chamber shifts to the color purple.
The clear quartz crystals are now a deep purple.
Purple light fills the chamber, and everything is deep purple.
Breathe this healing purple light into your body.
Allow the energies to move into every cell.
As the energy moves into your body, visualize any and all stuck energy being released.
Release any blocks to your connection with the Divine.
With intention, visualize your Crown Chakra spinning clockwise.
Take some deep cleansing breaths.
Allow yourself to disconnect from the energies of purple.
Breathe in and out with grace and ease (Pause)

Tap into the beautiful Divine Light above your body.
Allow the light to fill the room with healing light.
The light is clearing your Central Channel.
It is removing any blocks preventing you from bringing light into your life.
Give the light permission to dissolve any and all blocks.
Breathe in and out.
Focus on feeling grounded.
It is time to return.
Bring your attention into the present.
Take some deep breaths and disconnect from the energies of this meditation.
Welcome back!

ACTION: Check out Vialet’s online classes at: She also has several books available on Amazon. Search for Vialet B Rayne.

You can listen the meditation video at:

Crystals for Expansion & Growth Fri, 26 May 2023 11:00:00 -0600 [email protected] 7d0ddc92-b484-4e5c-b35f-a6a900b12f4d This month, we will connect with the crystals, herbs, and essential oils that support us with growth. You will be given the tools to support your personal, professional, and spiritual growth. When you invest time, money, and energy in yourself, you can expand your perspective and consciousness. This month, we will connect with the crystals, herbs, and essential oils that support us with growth. You will be given the tools to support your personal, professional, and spiritual growth. When you invest time, money, and energy in yourself, you can expand your perspective and consciousness.

Are you ready to invest in yourself?

You can view the video at:

The crystals featured for clearing this month are Amethyst, Angelite, Celestite Charoite, Iolite, & Merlinite.

Intuition Peacefulness Protection Spirituality Healing
Third Eye & Crown Chakra * Air & Water Element

Amethyst connects a person to their divine essence. It is a spiritual stone that enhances intuition and spiritual gifts. It brings in clarity and divine purpose. This crystal also brings in the energies of peace.

Angelic Communication Communication Peace Forgiveness
Crown, Third Eye, & Throat Chakra * Wind Element

This crystal connects you to angelic energy. It brings in peace and calm. Angelite is very soothing. This is your guardian angel crystal. It supports you during the most difficult times in your life. It reminds you that you are never alone. Your angels are always with you.

Harmony Balance Inner Peace Communications Grief
Crown, Third Eye, & Throat Chakra * Wind Element

This is an amazing crystal for supporting deep states of meditation and connection to the higher dimensions. This crystal assists in aligning one with their divine purpose and walking towards the light.

Acceptance Inner Vision Transformation Clarity
Crown, Third Eye, & Heart Chakra * Wind Element

Charoite connects one to their spirituality and raises their vibration. This crystal allows the crown chakra to fully connect to the physical body, providing clearer communication with the divine. It stimulates the energies of the crown and third eye chakras, opening the individual’s spiritual gifts and enhancing their intuition.

Intuitive Gifts Divine Connection Meditation Enlightenment
Third Eye Chakra * Water & Air Element

This is a strong, sacral crystal. It gets energies moving in the areas of creativity. It is an ideal stone for individuals looking for new ideas or innovative solutions. This crystal encourages you to see new perspectives and get going!

Psychic Abilities Empowerment Courage Balance
All Chakras * Earth & Fire Element

Merlinite unlocks your consciousness and assists you in moving past the day-to-day concerns of your life. It teaches you to harness the power and magic of the universe to manifest your dreams into reality. This crystal will accelerate your awakening process so you may step into your true potential.

In this month’s class, you will connect with the crystals, herbs, and essential oils needed to support you in your expansion and growth. These tools will assist you in becoming more divinely connected. This month, learn about these spiritual tools.

The teachings include:

  • Ascension
  • Faden Crystals
  • Angel Numbers
  • Power of Beliefs
  • Intuitive Gifts
  • Setting An Altar
  • Spirit Guides
  • Sacred Space
  • Bringing in Rituals
  • Raise Your Vibration
  • Love Your Life
  • Energies of June
  • Pull Your Card for June
  • And, so much more

ACTION: Register today to attend Crystal Alchemy for Growth at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts. When you attend in person in Littleton, Colorado, you get 25% off your crystal purchases on the night of your class. Find out more and register here:

NOTE: You can also attend the online class at:

The book is available on Amazon.

You can view the video at:

Inner Child Healing Fri, 19 May 2023 11:00:00 -0600 [email protected] 51bec961-b019-444f-bc8d-41aadd14d8d9 Have you struggled with attracting and maintaining healthy relationships? Have you experienced childhood trauma? Does your inner child need healing? You can watch the video at:

Have you struggled with attracting and maintaining healthy relationships? Have you experienced childhood trauma? Does your inner child need healing?

Your inner child is a big part of your life. It is that innocent child that lives within your psyche. It is curious, playful, and embodies pure innocence. Your inner child can inspire your life. They are precious and love you unconditionally.

It is likely that your parents did the best they could in their parenting based on their level of knowledge and education, personal trauma, and financial, emotional, mental, and physical resources. There are no perfect parents or ideal childhoods. Everyone is carrying around baggage from when they were a child.

Here are common ways that inner child wounds are created:

  • You were scolded for speaking up and sharing your views
  • You were told that your ideas were not acceptable
  • You were rejected for being different
  • You were isolated and had limited interactions with others
  • You were bullied by your family
  • You were criticized for your actions and behaviors
  • You were not allowed to play or be spontaneous
  • You were disciplined for showing your emotions
  • You were shamed for your physical appearance
  • You were emotionally, mentally, physically abused on a regular basis
  • You were denied any physical affection

Sometimes inner child wounds are ancestral. Your parents and/or grandparents had similar experiences during their childhood. There are several ways you may have been made to feel unloved or unsafe. Some of these will include Emotional, Mental, and/or Physical neglect.

Emotional Neglect
This is created in environments that do not allow children to have healthy emotional reactions to their experiences. In these situations, a child’s emotional needs have not been adequately met. This can cause low self-worth. They may have repressed their emotions and not been able to express them in a healthy manner. They may attract relationships that involve emotional drama.

Mental Neglect
Parents who have neglected to listen and nurture the minds of their children cause mental neglect. They may have been more focused on their own personal needs. The children were ignored or rejected on a consistent basis. They developed low self-esteem and struggled with learning healthy communication skills and respect for others. They may attract relationships that are mentally abusive and destructive.

Physical Neglect
The child may not have been given a safe and nourishing environment. They may have lacked the basics of food, clothing, and shelter. These children could have experienced physical abuse that created fear and uncertainty in their life. This experience can create physical neglect and abuse of one’s self including attracting abusive relationships. There may be eating disorders or issues with self-harm. These children may struggle with coping addictions throughout their life.

This neglect in your childhood creates inner child wounds. Some individuals may bury these wounds deep within and be unaware of how these wounds directly impact their current relationships.

Inner child wounds include guilt, abandonment, trust, & neglect.

Guilt Wound
These individuals attract partners that make them feel guilty. They manipulate their partners in the relationship. The wounded individual tends to not ask for help. These individuals may have not been able to ask for things as a child. They want to take care of everyone else in their life instead of focusing on their own needs.

Abandonment Wound
These individuals attract partners that are unavailable. They will seek individuals unable to fully commit to a relationship. They can be dependent on everyone and are afraid to be alone. They hold on too tight to the relationship which manifests as being clingy or needy. These individuals have the perception that their parents or caregivers abandoned them.

Trust “Betrayal” Wound
These individuals attract partners they are unable to trust. They are insecure and lack confidence in themselves. It is difficult for them to trust anyone in their life. They do not feel safe to be themselves in their relationships. Their parents were not able to keep their promises or were inconsistent in their parenting. These individuals have a strong need to control their relationships.

Neglect Wound
These individuals attract partners that do not appreciate them, or are unable to truly see them. These individuals will repress their emotions. They are easy to anger. Their parents did not take time to nurture their relationship so they feel unseen and unheard.

Michael Jackson says it perfectly in the song, “Childhood.”

Before you judge me, try hard to love me,
Look within your heart then ask,
Have you seen my Childhood?
People say I’m strange that way
‘Cause I love such elementary things,
It’s been my fate to compensate,
For the Childhood I’ve never known…

Inner child healing needs to include reconnection, release, and realignment.

Become aware of the needs of your inner child. What does the innocent and playful child within need?

  • Does your inner child need to be in nature?
  • Does your inner child need to be creative?
  • Does your inner child need to have more play?
  • Does your inner child need to be nurtured and loved?
  • Does your inner child need to be seen or heard?

Commit to the needs of your inner child. There are many ways you can heal the little soul within you.


  • I have a stuffed Pooh bear on my couch in the living room. I like to love on my bear as I watch TV in the evening. This allows me an opportunity to nurture my inner child.
  • I have a basket of adult coloring books. I like to color in these books after a stressful day. It allows me to process the energies of the day by being creative.

What commitments can you do to reconnect to your inner child?

Become aware of the emotional triggers that surface in your relationships connected to your inner child wounds and insecurities.

  • When was the wound created?
  • What is the root of the wound?
  • Was the reaction based on an inner fear?

Take some time for reflection. This is a good opportunity to journal and to dig into the emotions that have presented themselves.

  • Can you write a letter to your inner child?
  • Can you write a letter to your parent(s)?
  • Can you work with your inner child in meditation?
  • Can you schedule some sessions with a healing practitioner?

I recommend cord cuttings for clients that need inner child healing. Find out more about Cord Cutting here:

As you reconnect and release your inner child wounds, create a regular practice of committing to time with your inner child. These can be inner child activities:

  • Taking a dance class
  • Participating in a craft group or class
  • Attending a painting party or class
  • Going to a Psychic Tea Party
  • Spending the day with family/friends
  • Joining a Magical Fairy Playshop

Make the time to reconnect, release, and realign with your inner child.

Chakras & Essential Oils Fri, 12 May 2023 11:00:00 -0600 [email protected] 0e4676bc-b84e-4251-8979-f13bb4def2d3 It is possible to use essential oils to open each of the chakras. These essential oils support, open, and activate your chakras. You may have circumstances or situations in your life that are causing your chakras to be blocked and not function fully. Watch the video at:

It is possible to use essential oils to open each of the chakras. These essential oils support, open, and activate your chakras. You may have circumstances or situations in your life that are causing your chakras to be blocked and not function fully.

When you clear your chakras, you can experience a healthy, balanced, and joyful life. Your chakras are associated with a specific element and organ of the body. When your chakras are blocked, you may experience levels of anxiety, stress, and depression.

Essential oils are a natural and holistic approach to opening and activating your chakras. You can inhale, diffuse, and apply these to benefit from the aroma and energies of the oil.

It is important to research an organization’s approach to growing, harvesting, and processing the plants for essential oils. You will find a variety of pricing levels when it comes to essential oils. Some brands will dilute their essential oils to provide a more cost-effective option. When seeking healing, select the essential oils that are the purest and highest quality.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you feel insecure? (Root Base Chakra)
  • Are you struggling with financial stability? (Root Base Chakra)
  • Do you feel scattered and ungrounded? (Root Base Chakra)

If you answered YES to these questions, you may need healing work involving your Root Base Chakra. Bring in these essential oils to your daily routines.

  • Cedar/Cedarwood
  • Cloves
  • Cypress
  • Rosemary
  • Rosewood
  • Sandalwood

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you lack creativity? (Sacral Chakra)
  • Are you missing a connection with your sexuality? (Sacral Chakra)
  • Do you need more spontaneity in your life? (Sacral Chakra)

If you answered YES to these questions, you may need healing work involving your Sacral Chakra. Bring in these essential oils to your daily routines.

  • Cardamom
  • Geranium
  • Orange
  • Nutmeg
  • Patchouli
  • Tangerine

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you lack confidence? (Solar Plexus Chakra)
  • Are you standing in your personal power? (Solar Plexus Chakra)
  • Do you struggle with making decisions? (Solar Plexus Chakra)

If you answered YES to these questions, you may need healing work involving your Solar Plexus Chakra. Bring in these essential oils to your daily routines.

  • Clary Sage
  • Lemon
  • Grapefruit
  • Ginger
  • Helichrysum
  • Thyme

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you lack healthy relationships in your life? (Heart Chakra)
  • Are you unable to trust others in relationships? (Heart Chakra)
  • Do you have feelings of unworthiness? (Heart Chakra)

If you answered YES to these questions, you may need healing work involving your Heart Chakra. Bring in these essential oils to your daily routines.

  • Angelica
  • Bergamot
  • Blue Tansy
  • Lavender
  • Melissa
  • Rose

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you experience anxiety? (Throat Chakra)
  • Are you unable to speak your truth? (Throat Chakra)
  • Do you struggle with communicating? (Throat Chakra)

If you answered YES to these questions, you may need healing work involving your Throat Chakra. Bring in these essential oils to your daily routines.

  • Chamomile
  • Eucalyptus
  • Peppermint
  • Sage
  • Spearmint
  • Tea Tree

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you lack connection with your divine intuition? (Third Eye Chakra)
  • Are you unable to concentrate? (Third Eye Chakra)
  • Do you experience depression and feel disconnected? (Third Eye Chakra)

If you answered YES to these questions, you may need healing work involving your Third Eye Chakra. Bring in these essential oils to your daily routines.

  • Basil
  • Jasmine
  • Frankincense
  • Myrrh
  • Rosemary
  • Patchouli
  • Vetiver

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you feel disconnected from the Divine? (Crown Chakra)
  • Are you strongly attached to your possessions? (Crown Chakra)
  • Do you feel separate from everything and everyone? (Crown Chakra)

If you answered YES to these questions, you may need healing work involving your Crown Chakra. Bring in these essential oils to your daily routines.

  • Frankincense
  • Galbanum
  • Lavender
  • Rosewood
  • Spikenard

When chakras are blocked, they can impact your physical health. The world around us may directly affect your chakras. It is wise to establish a routine for keeping your chakras open and healthy.

These routines could include:

  • Chakra Clearing
  • Reiki & Energy Healing
  • Meditations
  • Yoga practice

Crystal enthusiasts and beginners love our Crystal Alchemy classes. In each class, you connect with the crystals, herbs, and essential oils needed to support you on your spiritual journey. These tools assist you in becoming more divinely connected.

ACTION: Register today to attend Crystal Alchemy for Growth at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts. When you attend in person in Littleton, Colorado, you get 25% off your crystal purchases on the night of your class. Find out more and register here:

NOTE: You can also attend the online class at:

The book is available on Amazon.

You can view the video at:

MEDITATION: Inner Child Healing Fri, 05 May 2023 11:00:00 -0600 [email protected] 2e353a64-77f8-4455-9a4f-1ed4050a1780 Vialet shares an inner child healing meditation. Find a comfortable place without distraction.
Set your Sacred Space.
Light a candle.
Take some deep, cleansing breaths.
Allow each breath, in and out, to center and ground you.
You may pause the video until you are ready to begin.
When you are ready, push play and begin the meditation. (Pause)

You can listen to the meditation here:

Continue to take deep breaths in and out.
Allow your breaths to align with your heartbeat.
These breaths are gentle and healing.
Each breath is taking you deeper into a meditative state.
Your shoulders are beginning to relax.
You are becoming more and more comfortable in your space.
Your inner vision is becoming clearer.
You are sitting on a bench in a playground.
The children are playing on the equipment.
This playground is in a beautiful, wooded area.
The trees are providing the perfect shade.
The trees are full of bright green leaves.
The sunshine is bouncing through the leaves in the trees.
Everyone seems to be having a good time at the playground.
The playground has all the things that you are familiar with as a child.
A swing set, monkey bars, merry go round, and see saw.
You walk over to the swing set and take one of the seats.
You begin to swing.
As you are swinging, you close your eyes and lean back.
Your heart dances as you connect with that inner child within.
You want to swing really high.
You keep pushing higher and higher.
Your spirit is flying.
This must be how birds feel when they are flying. (Pause)
It is freeing.
You feel lighter and lighter.
Continue to take in deep breaths.
Allow yourself to go deeper into a meditative state.
Your shoulders are beginning to relax.
You are going deeper and deeper.

You stop swinging.
You have a need to ground your body.
There is a large tree in the middle of the playground.
It has a sitting bench built around the base of the tree.
No one is sitting at the tree.
You move towards the tree.
The tree is gently blowing in the breeze.
You can hear the leaves and they move with the breeze.
As you reach the tree, you connect with the tree’s energy.
This tree has deep wisdom.
You can feel the gentleness and the strength of the tree.
You place your hands against the tree.
The tree transports you into another dimension of time.
You are sitting in your bedroom as a young child.
You are preschool age.
You are crying and very upset.
You move towards the bed and sit down.
Take a moment and take in the room. (Pause)
The child is starting to calm down.
You go over and wipe their tears.
You ask them, “What is wrong?” (Pause)
This is your opportunity to comfort them. (Pause)

The room is changing; the walls, the ceiling, and the floors are moving.
You take a deep breath and adjust your vision.
You are sitting in a different room.
A child comes running in the room.
It is you as a middle-schooler.
The child is really upset.
They toss an item across the room and slam down on the floor.
You allow them to process through their emotions. (Pause)
You slide down on the floor with them.
You ask them, “What is wrong?” (Pause)
You are given another opportunity to comfort them. (Pause)

The room begins to change again.
You are moving through space and time.
Take a deep breath and surrender to the energy.
You find yourself in a different room again.
This was your room as a teenager.
You walk around the room, reconnecting to this time.
You can feel the heaviness of the room.
It is not easy being a teenager.
You start to remember all the challenges that you faced. (Pause)
The hours you spent in your room.
Allow your love for yourself to fill this room.
Wrap the room with unconditional love and compassion.
It is your opportunity to support this time for yourself.
Take another deep breath.
As you release your breath, you find yourself sitting on the bench under the tree.
You begin to breathe alongside the heartbeat of the tree.
The rhythm is gentle and healing.
You hear the tree say, “Surrender the pain and heartache to me.”
With intention, release the deep wounds within the tree.
Allow this tree to take the energies from you.
Continue to take in deep breaths, releasing more and more energy.
Feel the energy being taken from you.
Breath in the love of this place and allow it to fill the spaces within that have opened up from this healing.
Notice how different you feel.
Take a moment to be grateful for this experience. (Pause)

Ask the tree to close all the doorways from our trip today.
We are energized.
We are shining bright today with joy.
When you are ready, take some breaths.
With intention, bring your awareness back into the present.

Start moving your fingers and toes.
Coming back into the present time.
Allowing ourselves to be happy and joyful.
Welcome back.

ACTION: Check out Vialet’s online classes at:

She also has several books available on Amazon. Search for Vialet B Rayne.

Find out more about us at:

You can listen the meditation video at:

Crystals for Motivation Fri, 28 Apr 2023 11:00:00 -0600 [email protected] afa80bfc-51d0-4afd-b916-c711cf02dcd2 This month, we will be connecting with the crystals, herbs, and essential oils that can support you in feeling motivated. It's easy to get stuck or blocked. This program provides some powerful tools for motivation. This month, the elements of this program will assist you in getting motivated and moving forward. This month, we will be connecting with the crystals, herbs, and essential oils that can support you in feeling motivated. It's easy to get stuck or blocked. This program provides some powerful tools for motivation. This month, the elements of this program will assist you in getting motivated and moving forward.

Are you ready to move forward?

You can view the video at:

The crystals featured for motivation this month are Azurite, Bumble Bee Jasper, Carnelian, Kammererite, Orange Calcite, and Sodalite.

Intuitive Gifts Clarity Cleansing Dissolves Blocks Communication
Third Eye & Crown Chakra * Wind Element

We can sometimes get tangled up in the cycles of worry and negativity. These cycles of energy will block you from moving forward. This crystal dissolves negative energies and emotions. It shines light into the depths of your soul to bring clarity and purpose into your life.

Bumble Bee Jasper
Change Zest for Life Confidence Self-Esteem Decision-making
Sacral & Solar Plexus Chakra * Earth & Fire Element

This crystal attracts opportunity into your life. It assists one in moving past their comfort zone and embracing change. Bumble Bee Jasper attunes an individual in becoming more aware of these golden opportunities that exist around us. It enhances assertiveness, courage, and concentration.

Motivation Courage Confidence Change Choices
Root & Sacral Chakra * Fire Element

Known as the Stone of Motivation, Carnelian holds the energies of endurance, leadership, and courage. It is the perfect stone for creating harmony between mental focus and creativity to allow both the right and left brain to work together in harmony.

Emotional Balance Motivation Calming the Mind Change
Crown, Third Eye, & Throat Chakra * Storm Element

This stone's powerful energy is a stimulator for change. It assists anyone ready to move forward into new things and new realities. Work with this crystal when you need clarity and direction in your life.

Orange Calcite
Creativity Energizing Sexual Connection Inspiration Motivation
Sacral Chakra * Fire Element

This is a strong, sacral crystal. It gets energies moving in the areas of creativity. It is an ideal stone for individuals looking for new ideas or innovative solutions. This crystal encourages you to see new perspectives and propels you forward!

Spiritual Gifts Creativity Communication Speaking Calming
Throat & Third Eye Chakra * Water & Air Element
Sodalite has strong metaphysical properties related to creativity. It stimulates new ideas. If you feel stuck and unable to find new ideas or thoughts, work with this stone. This crystal can trigger survival instincts to encourage balance of the mind and heart.

In this month’s Crystal Alchemy class, we will be connecting with the crystals, herbs, and essential oils that support us in moving forward. These tools bring in courage, creativity, and new perspectives. This month, learn about these motivating tools.

The teachings include:

  • Move the Energy
  • Bumble Bee Jasper Ritual
  • Be Determined Ritual
  • Aromatic Blending
  • Banishing an Obstacle
  • Moon Cycles
  • Power of Words Ritual
  • Motivation Gift Set
  • Crystal Alchemist
  • Metatron's Cube
  • Affirmations
  • Energies of May
  • Pull Your Card for May
  • And, so much more

ACTION: Register today to attend Crystal Alchemy for Growth at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts. When you attend in person in Littleton, Colorado, you get 25% off your crystal purchases on the night of your class. Find out more and register here:

NOTE: You can also attend the online class at:

The book is available on Amazon.

You can view the video at:

Respect for the Fairies Fri, 21 Apr 2023 11:00:00 -0600 [email protected] 220f34ed-fff6-4191-b7a0-6c3a196d5e9e A fairy is a mythical being or legendary creature found in European folklore and cultures. European folklore describes fairies as beautiful and graceful, as well as hideous, spiteful, and temperamental. In modern times, the common ones are described as feminine looking with butterfly wings. These nature spirits are protective of the planet, plants, and animals. A fairy is a mythical being or legendary creature found in European folklore and cultures. European folklore describes fairies as beautiful and graceful, as well as hideous, spiteful, and temperamental. In modern times, the common ones are described as feminine looking with butterfly wings. These nature spirits are protective of the planet, plants, and animals.

You can view the video at:

*Are fairies real? *
Many countries have places where fairies live including Ireland, Iceland, Norway, and Scotland. People will travel from all over the world to visit these places in hope of encountering a fairy. The fairies are not visible to most people for their own protection. However, there are stories and photos about people capturing a glimpse of the fairies.

I have found that some younger children will talk about the fairies that they see and interact with. As they grow up, many of them will lose their belief in fairies and this will close their connection to them. I, personally, love chatting with young children that are having experiences with fairies. They share some of the most amazing stories.

I do believe in fairies and have had several experiences with them. We have numerous fairy houses and doors placed throughout our center. The fairies live among us here. They exist in another dimension of time that is integrated with our current timeline. Some of my team members have also had experiences with the fairies at the center. We have over 35+ fairies that live here and they all have their own personalities and characteristics.

If you are unable to see the fairies, you may feel their energy. Fairies are playful, and they love shiny tokens. They will move your keys, jewelry, and coins around the space. Since the fairies are moving in and out of dimensional timelines, you may think that you have totally lost your shiny items and they will reappear later in the same place that you left them.

The energies of the fairies can be quite playful. They believe that humans take their lives too seriously. Fairies do not understand why you do not take more time to play, laugh, and dance. These energies are healing, energizing, and grounding. We live longer when we have more play in our lives. So, why do we take life so seriously?

Your pets will notice and interact with your fairies. They can see the fairies and you may notice that they are chasing or swatting as something invisible. These moments are, typically, indications that you have fairies in your space.

Bring in inner child healing and play by creating a fairy garden outside or by bringing fairy doors and houses into your home. When setting up a space for the fairies, create an area that is stable, safe, and secure for them.

These spaces should be:

  • A place where the houses and doors are not going to be moved.
  • A place that is hidden from most of the traffic coming into the space.
  • A place where you can safely leave treats and offerings that will not be disturbed.
  • A place near the floor, on the ground, or on a shelf.

Be open to connecting to the fairies in your space. Some individuals enjoy talking to them throughout the day. You can also request assistance and help from the fairies.

In the English folktale of Yallery Brown, the boy rescues a brownie. A brownie is another type of fairy. The brownie says that he will reward the boy for rescuing him, but he must never thank him. Many writers will state that you must never thank the fairies because it is poor etiquette.

Your fairies will bless you and your home when you bless them. A blessing is different from gratitude. I enjoy leaving offerings for the fairies. If your fairy village is outside, you may leave fresh fruit in season. The fairies love strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc. They also seem to have a sweet tooth. I recommend leaving them skittles, jellybeans, and small fruit candies.

Your fairies will also enjoy dried flower herbs, mini seashells, crystals chips, and feathers. These items are all part of nature, so they will not bring harm to the planet or environment. They love shiny pieces of jewelry too. You can leave small charms for them as a gift or blessing.

If you have pets and your fairy placement is in the home, you will need to leave offerings in places that will not be disturbed by the pets. You will have to consider how safe the offering is for the pets in case they snatch it themselves.

The fairies are very protective of the planet. They expect you to recycle and protect the environment you live in. Do you recycle? Do you make adjustments to reduce your footprint on the planet?

At the center, I have elected to reduce the paper waste on the planet.

  • We use washable glasses, cups, and dishes as much as possible.
  • We stopped using paper bags for purchases and encourage shoppers to bring in a reusable bag.
  • We do not print receipts. We email them to our customers.
  • We have cloth tablecloths in our classrooms.

What are some of the things that you do to protect the planet?

When you are going to the mountains, hiking in nature, visiting the beach, hanging out near the stream; keep in mind that you are in nature’s home. There are many living creatures that live in this space, including the fairies. You should never take something from these sacred places that do not belong to you. This is their home, and you would not like it if someone took something from yours.

If you are considering taking a branch or rock, you must ask for permission. It is important that you leave something for the item that you are taking. When I visit the beach, I always take dried herbs and crystals to leave behind. It is my offering to land and living creatures for allowing me that time at the beach. They are sharing their beautiful space with you.

The fairies create fairy rings and circles in nature. These are sacred sites for the fairies. Do not step into the ring. If you see these in nature, be respectful and walk around them. You may leave an offering or treasure for them outside the ring.

When you honor and respect the fairies, they will honor and respect you! If you are interested in experiencing some of fairy energy and magic, check out our Magical Fairy Playshops and Holiday Fairy Playshops.

Bring your family and friends. It is a magical time for all!

Find out more about us:

Crystals and Chakras Fri, 14 Apr 2023 11:00:00 -0600 [email protected] 7f66b0bd-7e34-475a-a506-711c83ee6378 Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel or cycle. These are energy centers of the body. They are spinning energy disks located in the energy body. The seven main chakras are located along the spine area. The chakras are associated with a corresponding color. Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel or cycle. These are energy centers of the body. They are spinning energy disks located in the energy body. The seven main chakras are located along the spine area. The chakras are associated with a corresponding color. The Root (Base) Chakra is red up to the Crown Chakra that is purple.

You can view the video at:

The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine. This chakra is associated with the color red. It brings in the feelings of strength, survival, success, passion, security, focus, and grounding.

The following crystals align with this chakra:

  • Garnet: This crystal brings in the energies of purification, balance, and serenity.
  • Red Jasper: Brings in strong protection and will dissolve negative energies. This crystal allows you to feel more connected and grounded to the physical.

These crystals can be red or black. They bring in the energies of protection, purification, and grounding. Other choices that work well for the Root Chakra are Fire Agate, Mookaite Jasper, Hematite, and Tourmaline.

The Sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen. This chakra is associated with the color orange. It brings in the energies of creativity, sexuality, sensuality, fertility, and pleasure.

The following crystals align with this chakra:

  • Amber: This crystal is calming and energizing. It assists with motivation.
  • Carnelian: Restores creativity, vitality, and gets you moving forward. This crystal will give you the courage to go after your dreams.

These crystals can be orange, gold, and golden brown. They bring in the energies of creativity, passion, optimism, and the courage to embrace change in your life. Other choices that work well for the Sacral Chakra are Orange Calcite, Orange Selenite, Sunstone, and Peach Moonstone.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is located in the upper abdomen, around the area of the diaphragm. This chakra is associated with the color yellow. It brings in the energies of self-confidence, personal power, joy, clarity, and motivation.

The following crystals align with this chakra:

  • Citrine: This crystal brings in imagination, courage, and motivation to push ahead.
  • Tiger’s Eye Gold: Restores confidence, courage, and mental clarity to bring joy and happiness into your life.

These crystals can be gold and golden brown. They bring in the energies of joy, happiness, good luck, and confidence so you can stand in your own power. Other choices that work well for the Solar Plexus Chakra are Pyrite, Calligraphy Jasper, Honey Calcite, and Amber.

The Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest, at the level of the heart. This chakra is associated with the color green. It brings in the energies of love, kindness, healing, generosity, and forgiveness.

The following crystals align with this chakra:

  • Aventurine: This crystal brings in healing, inner harmony, and balance.
  • Amazonite: Restores your ability to stand in your truth and participate in healthy communication. This crystal aligns you with compassion for yourself and others.

These crystals can be pink. They bring in the energies of prosperity, money, healing, and emotional balance. Other choices that work well for the Heart Chakra are Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Prehnite, Peridot, and Malachite.

The Throat Chakra is located at the base of the throat. This chakra is associated with the color blue. It brings in the energies of self-expression, communication, freedom, and speaking your truth.

The following crystals align with this chakra:

  • Sodalite: This crystal brings in order, truth, and clearer communication.
  • Lapis: Enhances your compassion and respect for yourself and those in your life.

These crystals can be turquoise. They bring in the energies of communication, self-expression, and living your truth. Other choices that work well for the Throat Chakra are Turquoise, Azurite, Angelite, Celestite, and Chalcedony.

The Third Eye Chakra is located in the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows. This chakra is associated with the colors dark blue to violet. It enhances your awakening, ascension, psychic gifts, inner vision, and wisdom.

The following crystals align with this chakra:

  • Amethyst: This crystal allows you to surrender to your divine purpose and uncover the deeper knowledge of who you are.
  • Labradorite: Brings in clarity, inner peace, and higher consciousness.

These crystals can be purple. They bring in the energies of spirituality, intuition, inner knowing, and deep wisdom. Other choices that work well for the Third Eye Chakra are Lepidolite, Iolite, Ametrine, Kyanite, and Lapis Lazuli.

The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head. This chakra is associated with the color clear. It brings in the energies of angelic, spirituality, purity, divinity, and potential.

The following crystals align with this chakra:

  • Quartz: This crystal amplifies your connection to your spirituality and the Divine.
  • Selenite: Brings the Light of the Divine into your space and life.

These crystals can be purple. They bring in the energies of divine purpose, enlightenment, and connection to the Angelic Kingdom. Other choices that work well for the Crown Chakra are Howlite, Moonstone, Lepidolite, and Amethyst.

If you need more of these energies in your life, pick up crystals for each of these chakras. These can be carried in your pocket, stuffed in your clothing, held in your hands during meditation, or placed throughout your space.

Clear quartz crystals amplify energy. If you are seeking more of these energies, reach for your clear quartz. The crystal kingdom wants to support you and your life. Are you working with crystals? Are you ready to learn more about them?

Crystal enthusiasts and beginners love our Crystal Alchemy classes. In each class, you connect with the crystals, herbs, and essential oils needed to support you on your spiritual journey. These tools assist you in becoming more divinely connected.

ACTION: Register today to attend Crystal Alchemy. When you attend in person in Littleton, Colorado, you get 25% off your crystal purchases on the night of your class. Find out more and register here:

NOTE: You can also attend the online class at:

The book is available on Amazon.

You can view the video at :

MEDITATION: Connecting to Fairies Fri, 07 Apr 2023 11:00:00 -0600 [email protected] d25b0b7a-7b05-4dca-b517-103a86bc291f Would you like to connect to fairies? Do you love guided meditations? You can watch the video at:

Find a comfortable place without distraction.

Set your Sacred Space.

Light a candle.

Take some deep, cleansing breaths.

Allow each breath, in and out, to center and ground you.

You may pause the video until you are ready to begin.

When you are ready push play and begin the meditation. (Pause)

Insert Video link

Take some breaths, in and out.

Surrender to the rhythm of your breath.

You are being transported to the Fairy Realm.

As you move through the dimensions of time and space, you may see, know, and/or feel the energies of the various dimensions of time.

The fairies are waiting to welcome you in the Meadow of Flowers.

The devas of the meadow protect each of the flowers and living things in the meadow.

What is your favorite flower? (Pause)

Flowers hold deep healing wisdom.

As you connect to your favorite flowers, you find love and healing.

You become aware that you are standing at the entrance to the Meadow of Flowers.

There is a beautiful floral archway over the entrance.

The sign above the entrance says “Welcome to the Meadow.”

The path into the Meadow of Flowers is lined with Crepe Myrtle Trees in a wide array of colors on each side of the path.
These trees are filled with bright flower blooms.

The colors range from whites, pinks, reds, and purples.

Crepe Myrtles remind each of us to step into the changes in our life with love and grace.

The honeybees are flying around the blooms.

You can feel the joy of this special place.

The pathway is made of cobblestones.

The aroma from the trees is so calming.

The beauty of this place is so magical.

You are approaching a big water fountain at the end of the pathway.

The outer row around the fountain has Lilac bushes.

They are in full bloom and the aroma is so soft.

The lilacs remind you of the magic that you hold within yourself.

They are reminding you not to be afraid of being yourself.

There are big bountiful Rose bushes around the fountain.

There are multiple colors and variations of the roses.

Each of them has different meanings.

The pink roses bring in the energies of self-love and acceptance.

The yellow roses hold the energies of peace and friendship.

The white roses bring in purity and spirituality.

Which of the roses are you drawn to today? (Pause)

As you move past the fountain area, you notice a comfortable sitting area next to the water.

You decide to take a moment to sit and take in all the energies of this magical place.

There is a Weeping Willow Tree across the stream.

The tree is hanging over the water and the energies of peace wash over you.

This is a special place, and you are enjoying your time here.

As you adjust your vision, you can see the fairies buzzing in and out of the tree.

At first glance, they look like dragonflies or bees.

There is a pair of glasses sitting on the bench beside you.

These glasses will magnify your vision, so that you can see the fairies clearer.

Pick up the glasses and put them on.

Give your vision a second to adjust to the images. (Pause)

As you focus on the tree, you can see the details of the fairies.

There are hundreds of fairies flying in and out of the tree.

The fairies are busy gathering for the colony.

All of them seem to be on a mission and they are very focused on their work.

The fairies have sparkles on their clothes and shoes.

Their eyes sparkle and shine.

You can feel the joy that is all around you in this space.

One of the fairies flies over to you.

They are buzzing in front of you.

You hear their words within your mind.

“You forget the magic that you hold within your heart!”

“You are divine, and you were meant to experience joy and happiness in your lifetime.”

“Why do you continue to allow the world to have the power in your life?”

“You are a magical creator, and you need more play and laughter in your life.”

The fairy flies back to work.

Why do you give the world your power? (Pause)

What has prevented you from playing more in your life? (Pause)

The fairy returns and tells you that they would like to sprinkle some fairy dust around you.

They ask for your permission. (Pause)

After you have granted them permission, a dozen or more fairies begin to fly all around you.

They are sprinkling an iridescent rainbow dust all around you.

As the dust falls around, you feel lighter and happy.

It is like the dust cleared the heaviness in your energy fields.

You feel like you could fly.

You begin to giggle and laugh.

This place reminded you to bring more happiness into your life.

Take a moment to thank the fairies for this beautiful experience.

They tell you that you can return here anytime in meditation or in a dream state.

You stand.

It is time to return to the present time and space.

You walk back through the meadow.

You pass by the water fountain.

The water is still dancing to the rhythms of this magical place.

You walk back through the Crepe Myrtle trees.

You stop at the end of the pathway.

You take in one more deep breath.

This is a sacred place, and you will return here again.

Now, let’s return to this space and time.

With intention, bring your awareness back into the present.

Start moving your fingers and toes.

Slowly come back into this space and time.

Welcome back.

Check out the website at:

ACTION: Check out Vialet’s online classes at: She also has several books available on Amazon. Search for Vialet B Rayne.

Crystals for Confidence Fri, 31 Mar 2023 11:00:00 -0600 [email protected] 5aca0b1d-e88b-41a3-9fcf-eebf78310cb9 Need a BIG dose of confidence for your life? You can watch the video at:

These crystals bring in confidence. If you are struggling with your confidence in your personal life or at work, these crystals can assist you with bringing in the creativity and confidence needed to move forward in your life.

Need a BIG dose of confidence for your life?

The crystals featured for confidence this month are Honey Calcite, Orthoclase (or thuh klays), Red Jasper, Rhyolite, Sunstone, & Tiger Eye Gold.

Honey Calcite
Determination Spiritual Growth Clarity Encouragement
Solar Plexus & Throat Chakra * Fire & Air Element

This crystal is supportive and aids in being persistent and determined in your actions. It boosts energy levels and brings in hope and inspiration. And it removes any sluggish or stagnant energies preventing someone from moving forward.

Orthoclase (or thuh klays)
Personal Will Inspiration Self Discovery Growth Creativity
All Chakras * Fire Element

This crystal removes the stressors of everyday life to bring in a sense of clarity and life force energy. It inspires us to reach for our dreams and desires. These energies provide us with self-confidence.

Red Jasper
Spiritual Grounding Stability Setting Boundaries Endurance
Root Chakra * Earth Element

This crystal carries the energies of strong spiritual grounding and vibration. It resonates with the three lowest chakras. Red Jasper connects individuals to the earth and Mother Gaia.
This powerful crystal gives us deep insight into personal obstacles and challenges and provides a sense of stability. It assists an individual in acting on their passions. This crystal will bring your passions into reality and inspire you.

Rhyolite “Rainforest Jasper”
Determination Confidence Grounding Sense of Purpose Wisdom
Root Chakra * Fire & Earth Element

This crystal brings in the energies of strength, endurance, and drive. It will push you forward, in the right direction. Rhyolite awakens the strength within you so that you have the endurance required to face your life.
It is also called the Stone of Manifestation.

Joy Inspiration Independence Abundance Self-Confidence
Sacral Chakra * Earth Element

This is known as the Joyful Stone. It is an inspiring and nurturing stone that supports self-care, so one can be in service to others. Sunstone brings in the energies of joy and happiness. It is connected to the energy of the Sun.
It is an abundance stone. This crystal encourages independence. This is a good luck stone that brings in unexpected prosperity. Sunstone brings in professional leadership opportunities and promotions.

Tiger Eye Gold
Courage Confidence Luck Wealth Perseverance Bravery
Solar Plexus, Sacral & Root Chakra * Earth & Fire Element

Everyone has experienced feelings of fear, uncertainty, doubt, insecurity, and other emotions during different times in our lives. When you are facing a challenge, reach for this crystal for courage, confidence, and motivation. This crystal transforms negative energies and shifts your perspective so you can confidently move forward.

In April, we are connecting with the crystals, herbs, and essential oils that bring in confidence in Crystal Alchemy. These tools can empower you to move forward.

The teachings include:

  • Level of Frequency
  • Creative Heart Ritual
  • Gaining Clarity
  • Laws of the Universe & Crystals
  • Blending Essential Oil
  • Build Confidence
  • Confidence Ritual
  • Get Creative Gift Set
  • The Elements
  • Make a Crystal Wand
  • Energies of April
  • Pull Your Card for April
  • And, much more

ACTION: Register today to attend the Crystal Alchemy: Confidence class at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts in Littleton, Colorado You will be provided tools for empowering you with confidence to move forward. When you attend in person, you get 25% off your crystal purchases the night of the class. Find out more and register here:

NOTE: You can also attend the online class at: The book is available on Amazon. Search for Vialet B. Rayne.

Check out the website at:

Setting Clear Intentions Fri, 24 Mar 2023 11:00:00 -0600 [email protected] 1aa45fdd-f537-458d-8c19-24878b1b668b It is important to understand that your thoughts, words, and actions create your reality. The goal is to keep yourself in a positive mindset, so that you can manifest more blessings into your life. You can watch the video at:

As a magical creator, I have discovered that everyone has magical powers within themselves. It is important to understand that your thoughts, words, and actions create your reality. The goal is to keep yourself in a positive mindset, so that you can manifest more blessings into your life.

_What blocks your intentions? _

The energy and emotions that you hold in your heart is the key to manifesting your intentions. Your heart is the largest energy center in the physical body according to the HeartMath Institute. This research proves the power of aligning your thoughts and heart. Your heart is a power generator sending out messages to the Universe on what you desire.

When you are stuck in a cycle of negativity, you attract more of the same energies into your life, like a massive magnet. The first step to breaking any energetic cycle is becoming aware of the recording playing in your subconscious. What are you saying to yourself? What are you feeling in your heart?

Sometimes, you must fake it until you make it!!!

Your Intention = Your Passion (Emotional Connection) + Clarity (Mental Connection)

_What are your passions? _

Your passions are the driving force of creativity and manifestation. It is not about what anyone else wants for your life. Take a moment and be honest with yourself: What is important to you? What gets you excited to get up in the morning?

Passion is the emotional connection to your heart. It raises the energies of your intentions to the highest level of creation. The only limitations are the ones you set for yourself.

Throughout my life, I have set some fairly high goals for myself. I have achieved things in my life that should never have happened for me. I believed that I could achieve it and I did. I have lots of stories of setting goals throughout out my life that actually manifested. You can do it too!!!

How clear are you on what you want to manifest?

You need to be clear with your intentions. When you are unsure, unclear, and/or uncertain with your intentions, you can manifest things that you do not want. Remember, it is the emotions and the clarity of the intentions that manifests them into the physical.

When you write down your intentions, you are writing a contract for the intention to the Universe. Have you noticed how powerful things when written and defined? We have written contracts for employment, partnerships, purchases, etc. Contracts, declarations, and affirmations can be very powerful tools when you put your passion into them.

Take the time to put your intentions in writing. You can print out the written intention(s) and post it as a visual. If you place them in a space where they can be seen, you plant the seed of the intention in your subconscious each time you glance their way.

Being clear on your timeline will also make your intentions powerful. Are you hoping to achieve it in days, weeks, months, and/or years? What commitments are you leaving up to the Universe to deliver? It will not just show up on your front doorstep.

However, this does not mean that you must be obsessed with the intention. The best intentions are created through emotions and clarity and then through surrendering to the Universe and allowing for the highest and best outcome.

Keep this formula in mind for your intentions:

Your Intention = Your Passion (Emotional Connection) + Clarity (Mental Connection)

Your intention is the result. Make sure that you provide the details needed to manifest your desires in the way you wish them to be created.

Check out our website at:

We offer online classes and programs. You can find out more at:

Perfecting Boundaries Fri, 17 Mar 2023 11:00:00 -0600 [email protected] ca851888-bf92-4479-b6aa-532e84ab9799 How can we perfect our boundaries? When setting boundaries, we are setting limits around our time, as well as our emotional, mental, and physical bodies. You can watch video at:

How can we perfect our boundaries? When setting boundaries, we are setting limits around our time, as well as our emotional, mental, and physical bodies. We each have a limited amount of time and energy every day and we are in control of how we would like to use these resources. By taking your power back, you can create a healthy life for yourself.

Can you look objectively at your life? This requires you to step back and examine your life from a different lens. The key questions: What do you need and what is important to you? Discard what others think, what others need, and what others want when asking these questions.

EXAMPLE: Your daughter may have a commitment to be at swim practice every day at 4 PM. This additional task may be overwhelming, but it is important to you that you support her. She will not have this opportunity forever and you will not be required to commit to a lifetime of swim practices. You may also consider partnering with other parents to share the load of taking the kids to swim practice. This could be a win-win for everyone.

Take time to Make a List of all the things you have committed to doing in your daily life. How often is the commitment? How does it support you and your dreams? What is the gift being given to others or yourself?

There are lots of areas that require an understanding of the boundary setting that you may want to explore and to set to reclaim your own time and energy.

  • Social Media: How much time? How much information will you share? Who should have access?
  • Personal space: How much time do you want to share with others? How much time do you need to recharge?
  • Time: How much time do you want to give away? How much do you want for yourself?
  • Emotional energy: What is your emotional limit? What do you need to have emotional balance in your life?
  • Finances: How will you budget your finances? How much discretionary income do you want to commit? How will you give back?
  • Values: What is important to you? What is worth fighting for?
  • Sexuality: What are the boundaries of your sexuality? What is your comfort level?
  • Respect: How will you respect yourself and others?

You can set boundaries within all the relationships in your life. Also consider respecting the boundaries that others have set for themselves. This may require you to ask permission or questions of other’s boundaries.

Boundaries are important for creating healthy and balanced relationships in our lives. You can easily get lost in your work, relationships, obligations, and service commitment to others. When you set the boundaries and stick to them, you can find more joy and peace within your life.

Individuals that want to please everyone in their life will lose themselves in everyone else’s expectations. The result can lead to feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and drained. These people may lack the confidence to set their boundaries, or they fear setting boundaries will keep people from loving and/or accepting them. These actions will not create healthy relationships.

Communicate and let others know your boundaries. Some individuals will set boundaries, but they will not communicate their limits. It is okay to say, “I would be happy to help with the project. I can commit to two hours on Friday. Will that help?”

Be honest by stating your needs in a kind and respectful manner. EXAMPLE: “Mary, I would love to help. However, this is a busy time of the year for me, and I do not have the time. Keep me in mind for later in the Spring and I will commit some time to the troop.”

Do not feel guilty about your decision. You must love yourself enough to create clear boundaries. When you are happy and healthy, you will be in a better place for all the relationships in your life. Keep in mind, No is a complete sentence.

Check out the website at:

Relationship with Self Fri, 10 Mar 2023 11:00:00 -0700 [email protected] 9bede896-7004-49d4-b872-5de0a7c21205 The most important relationship in your life should be the relationship with yourself. Are you working on your relationship with yourself? You can watch the video at:

The most important relationship in your life should be the relationship with yourself. Many times, an individual will expect that their joy and happiness should be created by the closest partner in their life. They expect their spouse to be responsible for their levels of joy and happiness. The truth is that you must take responsibility for your own joy and happiness.

*What brings you joy? *

This is a BIG question. You must connect with your inner compass. What is your heart telling you? Have you ever experienced joy before? What happened in that moment? Take the time to think about the last time you smiled, you laughed, you sang, etc. The key to unlocking your own happiness is figuring out what actually makes you happy!

It is time to connect and love your inner child. Yes, you are all grown up. However, that does not mean that you should stop playing, laughing, dancing, and singing daily.

I am a BIG fan of Winnie Pooh. When I moved to Colorado in 1998, I designed my Powder Room in my new home with Winnie Pooh decor. I loved seeing everyone’s child-like reactions to my bathroom. I was a typical fan with several t-shirts of Winnie the Pooh. It was my connection with my inner child. I moved into a new relationship in 2001, he made a comment one day about my Disney shirts. He did not understand why a grown woman would wear these shirts. The message took deep roots in my subconscious. I donated all my Winnie the Pooh and Disney shirts. I have not been able to wear them since that day. I denied my inner child her joy.

*What has impacted your inner child’s joy? *

When you step into the energies of play, you bring in your own level of joy, you fill your energy tank, and you extend your life. Don’t allow others to take away your connection with your inner child.

When you live your life through your passion, you bring more joy into your life. Your passions may be aligned with your personal and/or professional passions. What lights up your smile from the inside? What gets you excited to wake up every day?

There may be insights to your passions from your childhood. What did you dream about doing? When I was a small child, I would pretend to be a teacher and/or a store clerk. I loved creating the space for the store and checking out the neighborhood kids. I would encourage them to fill their shopping baskets, so I could focus on checking out all their selections. When I reflect on those memories, I see how I have been guided in my life from my passions.

*What are your passions? *

When you live and work from a passionate place, you will find that everything becomes easier for you. Some individuals will follow the passions or expectations of others. These seeds may be planted deep in your subconsciousness at a young age. The seeds can take root and distract you from your true passions.

Some people do not allow themselves to dream. They lean into more of a logical approach to life and they set their intentions to control the world that they live in. This does not allow them to dream.

My daughter dreamed of being a schoolteacher when she was younger. She would always talk about her goal of being a teacher. One of her teachers told her that she should not become a teacher. She told her that she would not be paid as much as a teacher and that she should find another profession. I never heard her talk about that dream again. The seed that was planted that day moved her away from her childhood dream.

*What were your dreams? *

Take time to dream again. Find that place that allows your dreams to blossom and grow. There are no limits to your dreams. They allow each of us to have faith in ourselves and the Universe. Dreams become the magic that sparks joy within.

Develop a healthy relationship with yourself by bringing your inner child, your passions, and your dreams into your life. Make sure that you are not being influenced by other individuals steering you away from yourself. It is time to make yourself priority!

Check out the website at:

MEDITATION for Peaceful Harmony Fri, 03 Mar 2023 11:00:00 -0700 [email protected] 66014688-b6f6-434d-b3a2-53e125a51ea4 Would you enjoy more peace in your life? Do you enjoy guided meditations? You can watch the video at:

Find a comfortable place without distraction.

Set your Sacred Space.

Light a candle.

Take some deep, cleansing breaths.

Allow each breath, in and out, to center and ground you.

When you are ready, begin the meditation.

Allow yourself to move into your heart space.

You hold deep wisdom within you.

It is time to unlock this wisdom and for you to remember who you are.

As you move within, you find yourself standing on the beach.

The sun is warm, but not hot.

It is radiating onto your face, and you can feel the warmth of the sun’s energy on your skin.

It is a beautiful day.

You are the only one at the beach.

The sounds of the waves allow you to go deeper and deeper into meditation.

These sounds are gently moving you into a peaceful place within.

Take a moment to allow the waves to align with your breaths, in and out. (Pause)

You are becoming more and more relaxed.

There is a wooden bench close by and you walk towards it.

The sea salt air is cleansing.

You can feel it clearing some of the heaviness in your energy bodies.

Give yourself permission to release what no longer serves you.

You sit down on the bench.

As you connect with the energies of the ocean, you can feel her strength and gentleness at the same time.

The ocean holds mother energy, and you can feel her wisdom all around you.

Your shoulder begins to relax, and you are comfortable sitting on the bench.

You place both of your bare feet on the sand.

This allows you to feel more grounded and connected.

As you are sitting on the bench, Archangel Raquel (ROCK KEL) approaches you.

He is the Archangel of Harmony. His name translates as the “Friend of God.”

Raquel (ROCK KEL) is responsible for restoring Divine Justice and Fairness.

He takes your hands into his and sits down on the bench with you.

You can feel his Light aura wrapping energetically around you.

It feels like you have been placed in a sacred place to receive.

He asks your permission to clear the blocks you have created.

Are you ready to dissolve these blocks? (Pause)

He tells you that it is time to dissolve your fears, doubts, & disappointments.

Raquel (ROCK KEL) touches the center of your back.

You can feel the gentle, healing energy moving from your back to your heart space.

He tells you to take some deep breaths and to allow the energies to dissolve around your heart. (Pause)

Raquel (ROCK KEL) reminds you that the ocean has many lessons for each of you.

The ocean moves energetically to the rhythm of the planet.

It is important that each of us finds the flow that aligns with our own energetic rhythm.

As you breathe in and out, you feel your body finding a natural rhythm.

Notice how at peace you feel in this moment. (Pause)

Raquel (ROCK KEL) shares with you the wisdom of the ocean.

He tells you that the salt of the ocean is sacred.

Sea salt can be used to cleanse the layers within your energetic bodies.

Each time you walk along the beach, the beach air mists your energetic bodies with sea salt.

The mists clear you emotionally, mentally, & physically.

Remember how much lighter you feel after walking along the coastline.

Raquel (ROCK KEL) tells you that you can take a sea salt bath and/or shower on a regular basis to keep your energetic bodies clear of negative energies.

Sea salt is purifying and clearing.

When you are more aligned with your divine energies, you bring more peace into your life.

The ocean brings in peace and healing.

You can bring more of these energies into your daily life with sacred salt.

Raquel (ROCK KEL) tells you to call on him when you need more peace in your life.

Take a moment of gratitude for Raquel (ROCK KEL) and the meditation. (Pause)

He fades off from your vision.

As you face the ocean, you are remembering the wisdom that was shared with you today.

She is so beautiful.

You can feel the peace that she brings into your energetic space.

Take some last deep breaths to disconnect.

Now, let’s return to this space and time.

With intention, bring your awareness back into the present.

Start moving your fingers and toes.

Slowly come back into this space and time.

Welcome back.

Check out the website at:

ACTION: Check out Vialet’s online classes at: She also has several books available on Amazon. Search for Vialet B Rayne.

Crystals for Peace and Harmony Fri, 24 Feb 2023 11:00:00 -0700 [email protected] e3d2b879-3263-4a0b-93b7-59aaa370b41f Are you ready for more peace in your life? You may watch the video at:

These crystals will assist you with creating peace and harmony in your life. They can also support you with shifting the energies at work. Allow them to bring peace and harmony into all areas of your life.

Are you ready for more peace in your life?

The crystals featured for peace and harmony this month are Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate/Chalcedony, Blue Calcite, Blue Tiger Eye, Howlite, & Larimar.

Serenity Peace Inspiration Tranquility Inner Strength
Throat Chakra * Water Element

This crystal has calming energies and will assist you in reducing your anxiety and stress. It brings peace and harmony to your life. Aquamarine is the perfect crystal for individuals sensitive to the energies around them. It is the Stone of Courage.

Blue Lace Agate/Chalcedony
Hope Harmony Unity Truth Communications & Spirituality
Throat Chakra * Water & Air Element

This crystal enhances communication and allows one to express themselves in a positive and healthy manner. It is a spiritual stone and will gently guide you on your spiritual path. Blue Lace Agate brings in peace, love, and happiness. It is an emotional healing stone.

Blue Calcite
_Inner Peace Expanded Awareness Patience Calming Transformation _
Throat & Third Eye Chakra * Fire & Air Element

Blue calcite is a powerful crystal for calming and soothing the emotional body and mixtures of energies. It has a strong and powerful protection with transformational benefits. This crystal absorbs the energies around you and transmutes them into positivity.

Blue Tiger Eye
Emotional Healing Calming Inner Truth Integrity
Third Eye & Throat Chakra * Water & Air Element

This is a very soothing and calming stone. It is the perfect stone for individuals that suffer from anxiety. It assists you in being able to clearly see the truth and to act in integrity. This crystal is also called Falcon’s Eye & Hawk’s Eye.

Calmness Peace Spirituality Diversity Stillness
Root & Crown Chakra * Air Element

This crystal will assist you with spiritual transformation. It brings in strength, courage, and focus. It is gentle energy. Howlite supports clarity and peace of mind. It assists with patience and understanding. This crystal is perfect for someone that struggles with anger and managing their temper. It wants to provide peace and healing for those that deal with high levels of anxiety and depression.

Inner Wisdom Peace Harmony Truth Confidence
Heart, Throat, & Third Eye Chakra * Water & Fire Element

Let's bring in all the energies of the ocean. This stone brings in the peace and calmness that you feel when walking along the beach. It provides emotional healing and opens the heart to your authentic truth.

You will be connecting with the crystals, herbs, and essential oils that will support you in creating peace & harmony. These tools assist individuals experiencing anxiety and overwhelming energies within their daily lives. This month, create a space for peace and harmony.

The teachings include:

  • Conscious Breathing
  • Healing Your Crystal
  • Living a Life of Gratitude
  • Color Healing
  • Hot oils
  • Your Meditation Practice
  • Connecting to Angels Ritual
  • Anti-Anxiety Gift Set
  • Who Are the Angels
  • About Tea
  • Aura Treated Crystals
  • Energies of March
  • Your Card Pull for March
  • And, much more

ACTION: Register today to attend the Crystal Alchemy: Peace and Harmony class at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts in Littleton, Colorado You will be provided tools for bringing in more peace and harmony. When you attend in person, you get 25% off your crystal purchases the night of the class. Find out more and register here:

NOTE: You can also attend the online class at: The book is available on Amazon. Search for Vialet B. Rayne.

Check out the website at:

Bring in Joy Fri, 17 Feb 2023 11:00:00 -0700 [email protected] 452b491b-9825-466d-915a-06edb6dd83fb Searching for more joy in your life? You can watch the video at:

Searching for more joy in your life?

Joy is an emotional response that happens when you experience something positive in your life or for someone that you care about. When you experience joy, it is about something important to you.

What is the difference between happiness and joy? Happiness is an emotion that an individual experiences as a feeling of contentment and satisfaction. Joy is a stronger emotion, often full of personal sacrifice and spiritual connection. These definitions define joy as aligning your experience of satisfaction with your spiritual connection of life.

My husband, Tom, believes that an individual can experience happiness, but they cannot experience joy. And I believe that I have experienced joy many times in my life. The joy of making a difference for someone else, the joy of knowing that another person has found their Light, the joy of living a life aligned with my purpose.

Joy can be a BIG emotion for someone. It may seem impossible to achieve. The only person limiting your ability to find joy in your life is YOU!

Think about this statement, what inspires you? This would be something that you are passionate about or someone that lights a spark within you. Inspiration can be big or small. It can be elaborate or simple. Have you ever taken time to connect to the energies of creation in a sunset or sunrise? I am talking about sitting and allowing yourself to really take in the beauty of the sunset or sunrise.
There is a place in our neighborhood where cars park and watch the sunset. There will be several parked cars watching each day.

Have you ever had a teacher, facilitator, or speaker inspire you? Did you reflect on the experience several days after it occurred? The information provided really resonated with you or the place you were in. It inspired you to have a new perspective, idea, understanding, and/or belief. You may have been motivated to get moving or to change directions.

What is your passion? Your passion is the essence of who you are. It is important that you uncover your passion, so that you can bring more joy into all areas of your life. When you discover your passion, you align your mind, body, and soul in perfect harmony.

Karen Putz wrote a book, “Unwrapping Your Passion, Creating the Life You Truly Want.” She discovered five distinctive traits of people living their passion:

Authenticity: People that know who they are and what they want will be driven by their passions to meet their goals, dreams, and plans.
Self-driven: These individuals will go above and beyond any expectations set by themselves or others.
High-energy: Passion is energy, and it will drive individuals to perform above average.
Resilience: They will be driven and will work through obstacles and boundaries.

Your passion will Light up your world and give your life joy. Harmony comes from being aligned with who you are and what your purpose is for this lifetime.

What is your purpose? Your purpose gives you focus and direction. It can provide stability. Your purpose is unique to you. It is what drives you from your soul. Everyone has their own skills, talents, interests, and experiences that are aligned with their purpose. Your purpose comes to you naturally without a lot of effort.

Everything you have done in your life that has been enjoyable and made you happy is aligned with your purpose. These are the experiences that have been the most fulfilling. A passion-filled career allows the one to work in a field that aligns with their purpose. If you are lucky, you will get paid for doing something that you are passionate about.

I am very blessed to be able to support people on their healing journey, spiritual path, and to bring more joy and abundance into their lives. My heart fills with joy when I make a difference for someone else.

_Find your joy through inspiration, passion, and purpose. _

Check out our website at:

Be Your Own Valentine Fri, 10 Feb 2023 11:00:00 -0700 [email protected] 9de33b64-da81-42d5-91d2-558a38741126 It is time for you to love yourself. Be your own Valentine! You can watch the video at:

In February, we celebrate love, partially because Valentine’s Day happens the 14th of the month. Valentine’s Day originated as a Christian feast day honoring the martyr, Saint Valentine.

This day has become a cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world.

Today, the holiday is about showering your significant other with love and tokens of your affection.

Do you know the Five Languages of Love?

Gary Chapman was a marriage counselor who worked with hundreds of couples. He discovered in his practice that there were five love languages. These languages included: words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, physical touch, and quality time.

These languages are the way people speak and express emotional love. It does not just apply to couples. These love languages align with all types of relationships.

Do you know your love language?

Chapman has written several books on the language of love. We can apply these same principles to emotionally connect in all our relationships. The key is that we should be providing some level of all 5 of these themes in all our relationships. Just because an individual’s language of love is quality time does not mean that you can ignore the other four in your interactions with that person.

How do people celebrate Valentine’s Day?

It is celebrated in numerous ways. Everyone elects different ways to celebrate love with their significant other.

Some will celebrate:

  • Giving a card and/or gift
  • Giving candy and/or sweet treats
  • Giving flowers
  • Going out to dinner
  • Cooking for each other
  • Going to the movies, a show, and/or concert
  • Spending time together

Some individuals choose not to celebrate this holiday. Others get engaged or married on this special day.

*How can you be your own Valentine? *

Choose to be your own valentine. Find special ways to love yourself throughout the month. This is the month of Love and everyone could be loving on themselves this month.

What does it mean to love you? People say that we should love ourselves, but what does that really mean? In today’s fast-moving world, we are expected to do more with less. Our lives seem to be filled with appointments, commitments, meetings, to-do lists, and expectations. There never seems to be any moments left for us.

How can we stop and smell the roses? How can we take time to love ourselves? We can choose to love ourselves by slowing down and taking time in our busy day just for us. It is important to be selfish occasionally to honor ourselves and our soul.

I would love to challenge everyone to dedicate one hour a week to be your own valentine and to love yourself.

When have you felt loved in your life? What was happening at that moment? Think about what it means to love you. Remember, the five languages of love that we discussed earlier. It is time that to give yourself permission to love you. You cannot love someone else until you know how to love yourself.

Here is a list of things you can do to love yourself:

• Buy yourself flowers
• Take a slow, hot bath
• Book a day at the spa
• Eat dessert first
• Plan a playdate each month with someone else
• Watch your favorite movie
• Sleep in as late as you want
• Spend time doing something you love
• Check off an item on your “bucket” list
• Spend time with someone you love
• Take a day off and make it about you
• Go for a drive without a destination
• Go to your favorite restaurant and invite someone special
• Plan a weekend getaway on a regular basis
• Volunteer a day or an hour of service

You may have someone special in your life. Or you may be single and unattached. Hold a space of gratitude for love and be your own valentine every February.

Check out our website at:

MEDITATION Love Thy Self Fri, 03 Feb 2023 11:00:00 -0700 [email protected] ccd923c2-ebc0-474c-9945-0ec5b553bb9a This guided meditation will assist you in connecting with your heart space and loving yourself. You can check out the video at:

Find a comfortable place without distraction.

Set your Sacred Space.

Light a candle.

Take some deep, cleansing breaths.

Allow each breath, in and out, to center and ground you.

You may pause the video until you are ready to begin.

When you are ready push play and begin the meditation. (Pause)

Insert Video link

Allow yourself to move into your heart space.

Your heart has much to share with you.

As you move into your heart space, you find yourself in your favorite place.

This space holds many joyful memories for you.

It could be your favorite vacation spot, your favorite place as a child, or it could be a special place that you have created within your meditations.

Take a moment and open your crown chakra.

You may feel, see, or just know that your crown chakra has expanded.

Archangel Chamuel has come to join you in this special place.

She shares with you that love is a universal language.

Love should be given unconditionally without limitations.

As you look at her hands, you can see pink ray energy flowing from her hands and all around her.

She steps close to you and asks permission to send this loving energy into your Crown Chakra. (Pause)

She instructs you to surrender and allow the love to flow freely through your body.

Visualize this pink ray energy moving down into your heart space.

Breathe in the energy into every cell of your body.
Allow this energy to heal the deep wounds within you.

Release the heaviness that surrounds your heart space. (Pause)

It is time for you to heal and to free yourself from the pain and sorrow you hold.

You may feel it moving as it unblocks all stuck and stagnant energy that you hold in your body.

Keep breathing and feel the love of the Divine filling your entire body. (Pause)

You may see the pink ray, you may feel the love, you may just know that you are being surrounded by unconditional love.

Chamuel takes your hands and moves you into an English Garden filled with roses.

The garden has a variety of roses.

There are red, pink, and white roses all around you.

The garden has a beautiful sitting area and Chamuel guides you to sit with her in the garden.

She shares with you the importance of loving yourself.

She asks you to listen to your soul.

What does your soul and heart want you to know about loving yourself? (Pause)

What does your emotional body crave? (Pause)

What does your mental body need? (Pause)

What does your physical body want you to know? (Pause)

You have a limited amount of Life Force Energy.

You reduce your Life Force Energy with high levels of stress.

It is time to listen to your inner guidance system.

Chamuel wraps her wings around you.

She tells you that you are important too!!

What commitments are you willing to make for your own well-being?

What can you do to love yourself more on a daily or weekly basis?

You are worth it.

You are divine.

You are loved.

You are sacred.

Take a moment to hold a space of gratitude for this experience and this connection with Chamuel. (Pause)

Take some last deep breaths and begin to disconnect.

Now, let’s return to this space and time.

With intention, bring your awareness back into the present.

Start moving your fingers and toes.

Slowly come back into this space and time.

Welcome back.

Check out our website at:

ACTION: Check out Vialet’s online classes at: She also has several books available on Amazon. Search for Vialet B Rayne.

Crystals for Love Sun, 29 Jan 2023 10:00:00 -0700 [email protected] 49b170e4-af09-456a-b392-c3283e2d85aa Are you ready to bring more love into your life, including loving yourself? These crystals assist you with connecting to love. This connection can be for attracting a partner, bringing in more loving relationships, or loving yourself more. These are the perfect crystals to assist you in connecting with love in all areas of your life. You can view the video at:

These crystals assist you with connecting to love. This connection can be for attracting a partner, bringing in more loving relationships, or loving yourself more. These are the perfect crystals to assist you in connecting with love in all areas of your life.

Are you ready to bring more love into your life, including loving yourself?

The crystals featured for love this month are Desert Rose, Garnet, Pink Calcite, Pink Opal, Rhodochrosite, & Rose Quartz.

Desert Rose

Grief Self-Confidence Emotional Healing Self-Love Prosperity

Root & Crown Chakra * Air Element

These crystals are said to contain a spirit guardian, and each one is different. Because of these energies, they are used as a protective talisman. Desert Rose will remind you and your lover to be friends. It enhances the warmth and closeness that you have in the relationship.

Desert Rose is a powerful healer. It reminds you of your worth and encourages you to love yourself more. This crystal brings balance and harmony into your life and space.


Strength Love & Relationships Manifestation Passion

Root & Heart Chakra * Fire Element

This crystal cleanses and re-energizes the chakras. It purifies and balances the energies connected to love and relationships. Garnet brings in courage and hope to help you move forward in life. It opens the heart to receive and bestows self-confidence. This crystal allows you to get comfortable with your own sexuality and sensuality.

Pink Calcite

Nurturing Soothing Loving Emotional Well-being

Throat & Heart Chakra * Fire Element

This is the perfect crystal for someone who is falling in love. Pink Calcite enhances feelings of love for someone or for life in general. It is also called Mangano Calcite. This is the Stone of Compassion. This crystal heals the heart chakra and offers the individual hope.

Pink Opal

Emotional Healing Inner Peace Gentle Love Spiritual Awakening

Heart & Higher Heart Chakra * Water Element

Pink Opal provides healing for the wounds of the heart. It provides a deeper connection to your heart and allows you to be open to new possibilities. This crystal dissolves old fears and blocks to love. It is compassionate and nurturing for the heart. This stone will free you from the emotions of guilt, shame, and inhibition. It frees you to be more spontaneous.


Inner Child Emotional Healing Personal Power Courage

Heart Chakra * Earth Element

This crystal encourages you to feel love for yourself and aids in emotional healing. It helps you embrace your own personal power so you can reach your full potential.

Rhodochrosite stimulates the inner child and brings childlike happiness and joy into your life. It brings in deep forgotten memories from your childhood. If there were events or beliefs from your childhood that prevented you from connecting with your spiritual gifts, this crystal will heal and connect you with these gifts.

Rose Quartz

Unconditional Love Gentle Healing Compassion Beauty

Heart & Higher Heart Chakra * Water Element

This is the stone of the heart. It brings in unconditional love and understanding. The energies of this crystal include gentleness, tenderness, compassion, peace, and self-love. This crystal carries a soft feminine energy, and it speaks directly to your Heart chakra.

In February, our Crystal Alchemy class is connecting with the crystals, herbs, and essential oils that support us in connecting to love. You can use these tools to enhance your current relationships or to bring in new relationships. It is time to nurture the relationships in your life and to learn how to love yourself. This month, connect with loving yourself and others.

The Crystal Alchemy teachings include:

  • Intuitive Connections
  • Taking Time to Love Yourself
  • Self-Love Crystal Set
  • The Energy of the Rose
  • Essential Oil Frequencies
  • Self-Love Ritual
  • Bring in Love Ritual
  • Healing A Relationship
  • Setting Your Intentions with Crystals
  • Energetic Balance Ritual
  • Love Altar
  • Mermaid Energies
  • Energy of February
  • Pull Your Card for February
  • And, much more

Check out our website at:

ACTION: Register today to attend the Crystal Alchemy: Connect to Love class at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts in Littleton, Colorado You will be provided tools for improving and attracting love into your life. When you attend in person, you get 25% off your crystal purchases the night of the class. Find out more and register here:

NOTE: You can also attend the online class at: The book is available on Amazon. Search for Vialet B. Rayne.

Clarity, Focus, & Purpose Sun, 22 Jan 2023 10:00:00 -0700 [email protected] 27bfea15-3726-4858-a026-05e077a9ac8a Do you have clarity, purpose, and focus for the year ahead? When you begin a new year, you are given the opportunity to clear the slate and bring in a fresh new perspective. You can view the video at:

Do you have clarity, purpose, and focus for the year ahead?

When you begin a new year, you are given the opportunity to clear the slate and bring in a fresh new perspective.


Take time this month to think about what matters to you. What brings you the most joy and happiness? When you live your life consciously with intention, you bring in more joy and happiness.

Imagine a life filled with peace and harmony. This requires you to make significant changes if you are currently living a life that is busy, distracting, and/or overwhelming.

Bring in CLARITY with these steps:

  • Create space: Remove clutter from your life. Clear out your physical space and get rid of the mess. When you have clutter, you will find that your life is filled with chaos.
  • Get clear: Get clear on what matters to you. Take time to reflect and get clear on what you are ready to commit to in your life.
  • Focus on one thing: Scientific studies have shown that we are not as productive when we are multi-tasking. Focus and complete one project before working on the next one.
  • Control distractions: Your phone and computer present many distractions. Create a process for responding to all the beeps on your devices. Block out time to answer messages and emails. And turn off notifications.
  • Self-Care: Make time for physical exercise and eat healthy foods. Honor your physical needs, including getting plenty of rest. It is important that you set priorities and put yourself first on the list.
  • Stillness: Make time in the morning or evening for stillness. This can be for meditation, mindful practices, journaling, etc. Be present and mindful of your day and decisions.


What are the most important things in your life? Purpose is the driving force that gets you moving and stimulates your passion. Your job or career may not be your purpose. It may fulfill your needs for security, but it is not always your purpose.

When you discover your purpose, it will influence your decisions, affect your behaviors, and be the guidepost for your life.

Sit with these PURPOSE questions:

  • Dreams from childhood: What did you dream about being or doing as a child? How do these dreams feel today?
  • Happiest moments and/or time: When were you the happiest? What were you doing?
  • Accomplishments: What are you proudest of in your life? When have you work the hardest to achieve something?
  • Passions: What would you do for FREE if you could? What are you passionate about in your life?
  • Magic genie: If you could do or be anything in your life, what would it be? What do you need to do to create that for your life?


What are the distractions in your life? Where have you over-committed? Find your focus to reduce the distractions in your life. This will bring in more peace.

Consider these FOCUS questions:

  • Volunteer/Service Work: What brings you the most joy when it comes to being of service and giving back? What doesn’t feed your soul? Release all commitments that do not inspire or serve your highest good.
  • Time with Friends/Family: Which relationships are supportive, inspiring, and/or motivating? Which ones drain or frustrate you? Release unhealthy relationships and nurture healthy ones. Set healthy boundaries in your life.
  • Commit to ME time: What are you doing for self-care? Commit to activities that feed your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual bodies. This could include alone time, recharging practices, self-care rituals, etc. Everyone is different, so it needs to be aligned with you and your needs.
  • Set priorities: What are your priorities? Make sure your priorities are aligned with your purpose.

Get clear. Find your purpose. Become focused.

Check out our website at:

Shift Stuck Emotional Energy Sun, 15 Jan 2023 10:00:00 -0700 [email protected] b344e2f2-db09-4937-9d74-56f070675c5e Your emotions and past experiences can get energetically stuck in your physical body. Often, we swallow our words and emotions instead of releasing these energies in a healthy manner. That energy gets stuck in the throat chakra. When that happens, we are unable to speak our truth and to step into our authentic power. You can view the video at:

This experience causes us to get stuck energetically and physically because of our experiences and emotions. Once we move the stuck energy, we are able to make healthy changes and move forward.


Do you ever feel like you are attracting the same types of relationships into your life?

You can sometimes become stuck in the same old cycles. After you discover that the relationships in your life are not working and you release them, you may continue to attract the same sort of relationships. Many people will jump back into the pond and begin attracting new relationships into their life immediately. They do not take time to clear, heal, and reset their energies. Everyone is an energetic being that attracts similar energies into their life, like a magnet. If you have not taken the time to tune into a different channel of energy, you will continue to attract similar energies into your life.

Remember that each experience presents you with choices and challenges to assist you in better understanding yourself and others. Make sure that you are stepping back and spending time in reflection before starting any new relationships.

Relationships also include connections, friendships, and/or partnerships.

What relationships in your life fill your energy tank with joy, inspiration, and love? Which one’s recharge and motivate you?


How do you treat yourself and others?

The first step in releasing stuck energy is to evaluate how you treat yourself and others.

Take a moment to ask yourself these questions:

Do you respect yourself?
Do you require respect from others?
Do you respect others?
Do you feel worthy of being loved?
Do you love yourself?
Do you love who you are?
Do you hold sacred space for yourself?
Are you able to look in the mirror and see yourself?
What do you love the most about yourself?
Relationships need to be authentic. It is important to understand that there are individuals that will energetically align with who you are. You should NOT ever change who you are to fit the role and/or relationship.

RULE #1: Do NOT change who you are AND do NOT try to change someone else.

Make sure that step into your authentic self and that you can speak your truth within the relationship.


Take time to clear your energies. This may require that you heal and release stuck energy that has been buried into your subconscious and physical body.

Take a moment to ask yourself these questions about your current relationships:

Which relationships give back to you?
Which ones make you laugh and smile?
Which relationships inspire you to be better?
Which ones bring you joy?
Which relationships drain your energy?
Which ones allow you to be yourself?
Which relationships bring you the most happiness?
Which relationships support you in the most difficult times?
Who do you call when you need to talk?
This is an opportunity to evaluate what is working for you. The truth is that not all relationships in our lives are healthy and positive. You will never be the right person for everyone. And you will not be liked or loved by everyone that you meet, work with, and/or connect with. Everyone is different.

Align your relationships with the right energetic match.

Allow everyone to be themselves. Make sure that you respect and honor the differences that we all bring to the table.

RULE #2: Everyone is NOT going to like and/or love you.


What types of relationships do you want in your life?

Spend time getting clear on the relationships that align with your highest and best good. Set the intention for what relationships you want to attract into your life. Be specific and clear.

Make sure you are focused on all the great aspects within your past and present relationships. What did you love about those relationships?

RULE #3: You are attracting the relationships in your life.

You deserve to be loved and adored. Do not accept anything less in your life.

Check out our website at:

MEDITATION: Clearing Your Baggage Sun, 08 Jan 2023 10:00:00 -0700 [email protected] 6e4c51a3-b4c8-4580-a701-2c2ef1a3d209 This meditation will assist you in clearing out old baggage, so you can step into a new year feeling lighter and more focused. Find a comfortable place without any distractions.

Light a candle.

Take some deep, cleansing breaths.

Focus on each breath in and out, allowing them to center and ground you.

You can listen the meditation video at:

You are moving into a new year, a new beginning.

It is time to find peace and to let go of any excess or unwelcome baggage you may be carrying.

You are invited to take a journey on the Train of Healing.

Are you ready?

You find yourself at a train depot.

There is no one here.

A gentle peace washes over you and you feel safe.

A train pulls up in front of you and slows down.

The door to the passenger car opens and you are invited to step onboard.

The attendant welcomes you.

He guides you to your seat in the car.

There are no other passengers in this car.

The passenger car is decorated with vintage, red coverings and old furniture.

The room is rich with antiques, and you feel like you have stepped back in time.

As you look around, the space smells fresh and new.

You step towards your seat, and you settle into place.

The train starts to move again.

You notice that the rhythm of the train aligns with your breathing. (Pause)

Take a moment to lean into the rhythm.

Allow the rhythms of the train to align with your energies and breath.

Feel your shoulders relaxing.

The attendant comes into the car and brings you a cup of herbal tea and some honey.

He tells you that he will be your attendant on this special journey.

His smile is gentle, and you feel connected to him.

As you bring the tea to your mouth, you smell the rich floral and berry aromas.

It smells amazing. Take a moment to breathe it all in. (Pause)

You feel more and more comfortable as you begin to sip the tea.

As you look out the windows of the train, you notice that there are images flashing in the glass.

The images become clearer and clearer.

These are flashes of past experiences in your life.

They hold amazing memories of joy, play, and laughter.

As they appear, you find yourself smiling because of the memories.

Some of them are old memories that you had forgotten. (Pause)

These are reminders of what has brought you the most joy in your life.

Breathe in the joy you have felt in these moments.

Allow yourself the opportunity to sit in these energies. (Pause)

You notice that the images have stopped.

You are now passing through the mountains on the train and the views are incredible.

You are drawn into the scenery and landscape.

Your mind is drifting back to some of those memories that were forgotten.

Each of them has a special place in your heart.

You are brought back to the present moment when the attendant steps back into the car.

He passes through the car to check on you.

He asks you about the tea. You share your experience with him. (Pause)

You thank him for checking on you.

You sink deeper into the seat as you become more relaxed.

The aroma of the herbal tea is still present in the cabin.

It is very calming.

As you begin to look out the windows, you notice that the images begin to appear again.

This time, the images are of experiences in the past when you were disappointed, hurt, and/or angry.

You process the decisions and actions you took in those experiences.

Some experiences are from your childhood when you were too young to know what to do.

Some experiences are places in time when you needed the experience for your own maturity and growth.

They were lessons that made you who you are today.

The attendant steps up to the table.

He tells you that it is time to release and let go of these decisions and actions.

He states that you have integrated all the lessons needed from these experiences.

It is time to release the baggage that you are carrying.

These experiences allowed you to become who you are today.

You cannot go back in time to change them.

And you would not want to change these experiences.

They were created so you would evolve to the person you are today. (Pause)

Archangel Gabriel appears in the passenger car.

She is beautiful. She has blonde hair and green eyes.

She wears golden armor around her chest and her wings are massive.

You can see the orange aura all around her.

She asks you, “Are you ready to heal and release the bags you are carrying that no longer serve you?” (Pause)

The attendant arrives with a cart full of travel bags.

These bags represent all the experiences you are holding on to with regret, fear, and sadness.

Gabriel tells you that you are ready to integrate these experiences and to heal.

It is time to move forward into new energies.

She takes your bags and begins to fade from the passenger car.

Notice how much lighter you feel. (Pause)

The train is slowing down.

The attendant says that it is time to go.

Take a moment to thank him. (Pause)

As you move to the door, stop and take one more deep, cleansing breath.

This year is going to be the best one ever.

Set your intention and claim your blessings. (Pause)

When you step off the train, the attendant thanks you for coming!

Now, let’s return to this space and time.

With intention, bring your awareness back into the present.

Start moving your fingers and toes.

Slowly come back into this space and time.

Welcome back.

Check out our website at:

ACTION: Check out Vialet’s online classes at: She also has several books available on Amazon. Search for Vialet B Rayne.

Crystals for New Beginnings Sun, 01 Jan 2023 11:00:00 -0700 [email protected] 1e8547ff-10ba-4d00-8030-c1129781e660 Are you looking for crystals to support and assist you with bringing in new things or starting a new project? These crystals will assist you in beginning new things in your life. Are you working on a new project? Are you seeking a new job? Are you wanting a new home? These are the perfect crystals to assist you in bringing new things into your life. _Are you looking for crystals to support and assist you with bringing in new things or starting a new project? _

These crystals will assist you in beginning new things in your life. Are you working on a new project? Are you seeking a new job? Are you wanting a new home? These are the perfect crystals to assist you in bringing new things into your life.

You can view the video at:

The crystals featured for new beginnings this month are Amazonite, Chrysocolla, Labradorite, Rainbow Moonstone, Clear Quartz, & Clear Calcite.


Peace Maker Harmony Calmness Ease Inspiration

Heart & Throat Chakra * Earth & Water Element

This is the stone of peace, truth, harmony, and communication. It gently soothes anxiety and stress. When you are ready to start new things or to begin with a new perspective, Amazonite can support you in gently stepping into the new energies. It has been called the Peace Maker and is perfect for when you need to find a better way to communicate and connect.


Inner Balance Truth Expression Self Awareness Motivation

Throat & Heart Chakra * Water Element

This stone will allow you to tap into your highest truths. It invites you to tune into your own sense of wonder and knowledge and motivates you to reach for your dreams. It is known as the Teaching Stone as it will stir your curiosity to explore new horizons.


Transformation Truth Energize Protective Motivational

Throat, Third Eye & Crown Chakra * Water Element

This crystal has many magical properties. It can assist you with your inner light reflection and connect you with unseen dimensions. It is called the Stone of Magic. Labradorite will open your third eye and enhance your visions.

Rainbow Moonstone

Balance Harmony Hope Endurance Creativity

Crown Chakra * Water Element

This is a Visionary Stone. It assists us in seeing things more clearly. It intensifies your feminine Goddess energy. Moonstone is highly spiritual by nature. It will support you in your spiritual work. This stone brings in the magical healing qualities of the vibrations of the moon. It will aid you in becoming more emotionally balanced and stimulates creativity.

Clear Quartz

Block Removal Clarity Purification Amplification Ascension

Crown Chakra * All Elements

This crystal is used to program and manifest your intentions, to amplify energies, and to bring clarity into your life. This would be considered the ultimate Rock star of your crystal collection. It is the stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention.

Clear Calcite

Cleanser Purifier Dissolving Forgiveness Connection

Crown Chakra * All Elements

This crystal connects you to the white ray of spiritual alignment and growth. It provides a clear perspective and understanding of how the past relates to the present. Clear calcite brings in the powerful energies of transformation to convert negative energies and thoughts into the highest possibilities. It includes all the colors of the spectrum and connects to all the chakras.

In January, we are connecting with the crystals, herbs, and essential oils that support you with new beginnings and things in Crystal Alchemy. These tools can be powerful for new projects and attracting new things into your life.

The teachings include:

  • Clearing Crystals Techniques
  • Wet/Dry Clearing Methods
  • Getting Crystals Wet
  • Attract New Things Crystal Set
  • Your House Number
  • Letting Go Ritual
  • Space Clearing
  • Smudging Traditions
  • Set Your Yearly Mantra Ritual
  • And, much more

Check out our website at:

ACTION: Register today to attend Crystal Alchemy for Bringing in New Things at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts, you will be provided the tools for attracting new opportunities and things into your life. When you attend in person, you get 25% off your crystal purchases.

NOTE: You can also attend the online class at: The book is available on Amazon. Search for Vialet B Rayne.

Discover your Spiritual Gifts in 2023 Fri, 09 Dec 2022 11:00:00 -0700 [email protected] f9e6e7bb-8172-4407-b17c-4234114da969 Can you believe we are almost in 2023? Wow, we have completed another trip around the sun. As I reflect on the last couple of years, I have decided that 2020 was emotionally exhausting, 2021 was mentally exhausting, and 2022 was physically exhausting. 2020

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts (DYSG) was flooded with water in December. It was emotionally devasting to see the center destroyed in a manner of hours. I worked hard to build and create our community. It disappeared over night. Many members of the community did not return or stopped being active. Did they move? Did their life shift in another direction? I am still not totally sure what happened, but we started over in July 2020. It was an emotional roller coaster.


I was trying to recreate and expand our center. It seems like we started over from the ground up. The center faced many challenges in 2021 with COVID restrictions and lack of engagement in the classes and store. DYSG got more space, but it was not being fully utilized to it’s potential. We consciously took a step back from the expos and fairs to focus on the community that was building in the center. It was a year of hope and possibilities. It was mentally challenging, and we kept pushing forward through the challenge gates.


This year has been really physical. My desire to expand our offerings created more work and less time for me. I had stated that I was going to create balance for my life, but I kept adding more programs, more books to be written, more classes online, and more work all around.

I finished the year with writing more than 15+ books, editing and expanding 6+ books, offering additional classes including Crystal Alchemy, Psychic Tea Party, Broom Making Playshop, etc. We re-branded one of our podcasts, Sacred Magic, and added a TikTok channel.


As a business owner, it is important that you reflect, re-evaluate and re-engineer your processes and focus each year. There have many lessons learned this year.

I have discovered:

  • I cannot continue to teach five days a week consistently.
  • I should not expect to write 20+ books a year.
  • I need to have more help at the center.
  • I must have a future transition plan for my Sacred Temple Mystery School and center for retirement.
  • I cannot physically keep working as hard as I did in 2022.
  • 2023

I have made some decisions and have a plan for 2023. It is important for a business owner to have priorities, focus, and direction each year. I've decided to share more going forward in my articles, videos, and shows.

The center will be focused on nurturing our relationships.

  • Returning to Body, Mind, & Spirit expo in March 2021
  • Continuing to offer FREE resources to our community

We will be eliminating:

  • Develop Your Spiritual Gifts classes due to lack of interest
  • Discover Your Spiritual Gifts podcast on BlogTalk radio to steamline and focus more on Sacred Magic
  • Weekly Sacred Tools Education Videos on YouTube

We will be enhancing:

  • The Sacred Magic podcast will be a weekly show with a variety of structure including shows with guest spots, topic-driven conversation, and educational perspectives from Vialet.
  • Weekly articles from Vialet in the newsletter will also be converted in Vblogs for YouTube for individuals that prefer videos over articles.
  • Discover Your Spiritual Gifts Academy will continue to offer more and more online classes from Vialet and additional teachers.
  • Our Sacred Temple Mystery School will eventually offer hybrid programs with online education plus a scheduled weekend emersion program for each path. The school will also start working towards an apprenticeship program for teachers to be more involved in the Mystery School.
  • A few of the moon ceremonies were changed and/or enhanced to create new experiences for our regular attendees.

We will be continuing:

  • Recruiting team members that align with the mission and vision to expand our offerings to the community.
  • Offering a variety of products in the store to support our educational classes and programs.

It is important that you are always flexing and changing to the needs of the community and market. We will continue to evaluate and grow our offerings in the community. I wish everyone a successful and prosperous 2023.

Release and Let Go Fri, 02 Dec 2022 11:00:00 -0700 [email protected] f1645b22-cf97-4825-92ec-de68c2684da9 What do you need to release before the end of the year? We are coming to the end of 2022. The month of December is about Completion. What do you need to complete? What do you need to release? Think about these questions:

  • What is not working in your life?
  • What is creating unhealthy relationships in your life?
  • What do you not enjoy doing anymore?
  • What behaviors or activities are no longer bringing you joy?
  • What wounds or pains need to be released?
  • What changes do you need to make in your life?
  • Where are you going?

Spend some time this month, thinking about these questions. If the committee that you volunteer for is not working in your life, resign from the position. If the sports team is not giving joy anymore, give your notice and leave the team. If the relationships in your life are weighting you down, it is time to make a change.

Think about these questions:

  • What are some new things that you would like to try?
  • What are some bucket list items that you can commit to?
  • What experiences would you like to try next year?
  • What relationships need to be created?

You can release through a burning or dissolving ceremony. We offer a burning ritual in our December Moon Ceremony. Come and join us this month. You do not want to carry all your baggage into 2023. It is the perfect time to bring in new things.

BUSINESS CORNER: Ground Your Ideas Fri, 25 Nov 2022 11:00:00 -0700 [email protected] 30832070-dcfa-44e2-af02-014f1fb2a24f Have you ever grounded your business ideas? This is the perfect time to think about your business’ mission and vision. Why did you start your business? What was the purpose of the business? WHY STATEMENT

Why did you start your business? It can be difficult to stay on purpose and achieve success with a business that was started for all the wrong reasons. Some individuals select a career, job, or business based mainly on making money. When I started college, I based my decision on my major on the area that I thought would make the most money in my life. I started college with a major in Information Technology. I was a single mother and I wanted to be stable financially. After taking several semesters in college, I discovered that the classes were not fueling my passions and I was unhappy.

Make sure that you are not driven by the dollar. I have found that when we are motivated by our passions and love, the financial success will automatically come. Think about it. When you ignite your passion for work, career, and/or business, you are aligning with the element of FIRE. This will drive success into the physical.


After you understand the why of your business, it will be time to get focused on what you are going to do to be successful. You will need to be fully grounded and present to bring clarity and understanding of the WHAT.

Think about these questions:

  • What are you doing?
  • What will be your focus?
  • What is your purpose?
  • What is your goal?
  • What do you want to achieve?
  • What will success look like for you?

When you have the answers to these questions, you can get grounded in your ideas and start making a difference in your business.

Are your ready to be a spiritual business owner?

I provide coaching to individuals that are starting their own spiritual business and want to move into building their own business of being a healer, reader, or spiritual advisor. I coach individuals that work in the center, providing them solid direction and guidance on their businesses. Go to the website for information on business consulting, coaching, and mentori

Spirit of the Holidays Fri, 18 Nov 2022 11:00:00 -0700 [email protected] a0545751-aed0-4809-8111-7cbf74d4e9f3 What does the spirit of the holidays mean to you? The holidays should be a time of gratitude, giving, and celebration. November is the month of being of service and gratitude. GRATITUDE

Spend some time this month being in a space of gratitude. What are you grateful for in your life? The power of gratitude can shift your life. Studies have shown that individuals that live their life in gratitude have better health, positive perspectives, and a more joyous life.

Some rituals:

  • State three things that you are grateful for everyday.
  • Write three things that you are grateful for in a ritual.
  • Reach out to three individuals every day and provide an inspiring message.
  • Create a gratitude jar and add daily notes of gratitude to the jar.
  • Post a message of gratitude on your social media pages.


Many individuals are struggling or alone during the holidays. What can you do to brighten their experience during the time of year? Being of service doesn’t mean that you give in order to receive. It is about giving without any expectations for the energies being returned. You never know when you will be in a place where you would appreciate a little assistance in your life.

I love the individuals that give from their heart without any need for recognition. They set things in motion for someone to receive without recognition. Take time this month to be of service to your neighborhood, community, or city.

Some ideas:

  • Give to the food bank
  • Donate clothing or toys to a family or shelter
  • Provide blankets or socks to the homeless
  • Volunteer for a cause, community, and/or business

Most financial education programs will encourage you to give 10% of earnings. Give to the charities and programs that mean the most to you. At Discover Your Spiritual Gifts, I give back to my community through donations and scholarships based on need and commitment.


Find ways to connect and celebrate with family and friends. The memories created during the holidays can be lasting and powerful. Take time to celebrate with the people that you love and care about.

Some ideas:

  • Bake cookies together
  • Decorate gingerbread houses
  • Share a holiday meal
  • Watch a holiday movie or show

Find the spirit of the holidays through gratitude, giving, and celebration.

If you could use connection, community, or company this holiday season, check out our event calendar and join us for a holiday event (or two).

Holiday Survival Kit Fri, 11 Nov 2022 11:00:00 -0700 [email protected] 2ed704e0-ff0d-4d75-97d2-d1d9c25aa1c0 Do you enjoy this time of year? I love the holidays. However, everyone does not feel that way about the holidays. Some individuals are depressed or anxious during the holidays. They are missing loved ones that have passed, they live far from family or friends, they have sad memories of past holidays, and/or they are alone. The holidays can be tough for them. For other individuals, they get swept up in the activities and to do list. The holidays become overwhelming, or the expectations seem impossible to overcome. The holidays can add extra stress and work. It is so easy to caught up in the commercialism of the holidays.

The holidays are magical for me. I love giving gifts to others. I will spend days and/or weeks looking for the perfect gift. I have always enjoyed shopping for others. The magic happens when the receiver is surprised and excited about the gift that they received. It is a bonus if you can find something that they have not even thought of, but love. The truth is that I can go over the top during the holidays with decorating, planning, and giving. I believe some of it comes from the fact that my birthday is a few days after Christmas, and it has not consistently been a great experience for me. I have turned to squeezing as much joy as I can from the holidays.

Some individuals and/or families have created amazing traditions for their holidays. These types of activities really bring in the spice of the holidays. The added touch of traditions can really enhance your experience.

Some cool traditions include:

  • Creating an advent calendar for the family
  • Writing an annual family recap for the holiday cards
  • Driving around for the holiday lights with hot chocolate
  • Receiving new pj’s for the holiday
  • Participating in a cookie exchange
  • Caroling in your neighborhood
  • Watching your favorite holiday movies or reading a seasonal book
  • Lighting a candle to remember the past
  • Supporting a charity or food drive


It is important that you honor your healing process during the holidays. Give yourself the opportunity to breathe and stop to enjoy the magic. Spend your time with the activities and people that bring you the most joy. Do not be afraid to turn down invitations that do provide you with loving support. Make the holidays about you and your needs. Honor yourself more.

If you could use connection, community, or company this holiday season, check out our event calendar and join us for a holiday event (or two).

BUSINESS CORNER: Conduct a S.W.O.T. Analysis Fri, 04 Nov 2022 11:00:00 -0600 [email protected] 253fd1a6-a8b7-47d6-8d46-6833d48a273a Do you have a business strategy? As a business owner, you should do the simple exercise of completing a S.W.O.T. analysis. A S.W.O.T. analysis requires that you list your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This will provide you a clear picture of where to focus your energies on your business. You will not be perfect in everything and you will NOT be everything to everyone. A S.W.O.T. analysis will provide you with a strategic overview of your business.


What are your strengths? Where do you succeed expectations in your business? Compare your internal and external strengths in the marketplace.

  • Brand recognition
  • Financial stability and/or resources
  • Product resources
  • Quality of products and/or services
  • Expertise & skill set
  • Technology
  • Process Efficiency
  • Customer relationships
  • Retention (repeat business)

If you are a spiritual business owner, you may consider this process to be cumbersome or difficult to complete. However, this can be key to the success of your business.

EXAMPLE: A Reiki Healer must understand their strengths.

  • Do they have a clear understanding of their client’s needs?
  • Do they offer a twist or new perspective to their healing practice?
  • Do they go the extra mile to nurture their relationships with their clients?
  • Do they have a solid view of their brand?


What are your weaknesses? Do you lack the financial resources to support a startup or expansion of your business?

  • Brand recognition
  • Financial stability and/or resources
  • Quality of products and/or services
  • Professionalism
  • Expertise & skill set
  • Outdated systems & processes
  • Process Efficiency
  • Customer relationships
  • Retention (repeat business)

EXAMPLE: A Reiki Healer must understand their weaknesses.

  • Do they manually schedule their clients?
  • Do they double-book or miss scheduling opportunities?
  • Do they provide a professional space for their healings?
  • Do they have offerings for packages or repeat sessions?
  • Do they have the appropriate training and knowledge?


Do you understand the opportunities available to grow your business? Do you know your competition in the marketplace? Do you know what makes you different?

  • Awareness of shifts in the market
  • Flexibility to manage change
  • Ability to be innovative
  • Desire to expand markets or reach
  • Leverage of technology

EXAMPLE: A Reiki Healer must understand their opportunities.

  • Do they understand the needs of their clients?
  • Do they flex to meet the needs of the market?
  • Do they use technology to streamline processes?

The best example was the healing practitioner’s ability to flex during COVID when the country was under lock down and there was a fear of exposure. Some shifted their business online temporarily, some shifted permanently, and some stopped working altogether.


Do you understand the threats? Do you continuously survey your client and customer needs? Do you check market pricing?

  • Legal & regulatory compliance
  • Competitive pricing
  • Consumer shifts
  • Labor shortages
  • Technology changes

EXAMPLE: A Reiki Healer must understand their threats.

  • Do they understand the pricing of the competition?
  • Do they understand the shifts of the consumers?
  • Do they continually seek to enhance their gifts and abilities?
  • Do they invest in on-going education & training?

Take the time to do a S.W.O.T. analysis on your business. These will assist you in making better decisions with your business.

Are your ready to be a spiritual business owner?

I provide coaching to individuals that are starting their own spiritual business and want to move into building their own business of being a healer, reader, or spiritual advisor. I coach individuals that work in the center, providing them solid direction and guidance on their businesses. Go to the website for information on business consulting, coaching, and mentoring.

Taking Time for Magic Fri, 28 Oct 2022 11:00:00 -0600 [email protected] e04d19d8-1fd7-4f8e-aeac-8567cdc33352 What does the word, magic, mean to you? I raised my daughters in the Southern Baptist Church. The word magic had some deep wounds, and I was personally afraid of anything connected to magic. I have also discovered that I have been hunted and killed in previous lifetimes for magical and Intuitive abilities. This is not an unusual response. Most individuals have closed their gifts or avoid any type of connection. The fear is buried deep in most people, and they do not even realize that it is blocking them from a joyful and abundant life. 

I love Dion Fortune’s definition of magic. "Magic is the art of causing changes to take place in consciousness in accordance with will.” Everything is created through thought. Some individuals are not aware of the fact that they are creating their own reality through their thoughts and words. When you become conscious and aware of your thoughts, you begin to shift your perspective and reality.

For me, magic is all around us. It lives in every sunset, sunrise, landscape, image, and smile. Magic is the beauty in all things. It is NOT about casting a spell. It is NOT forcing someone else to act, believe, or to think differently. Everyone has free will and choice. You must honor that universal law. Magic is about having respect for the universal power and energy that is all around us.

The month of October holds the energies of magic. The veils between the dimensions are the thinnest and you can easily connect and travel between dimensions through dream state and/or meditation. This month is a great time to sit in stillness and connect with your Divine Team. Your gifts will be elevated with the energies of the month.


Spend some time this month exploring or experiencing magic in your life. Here are some ideas:

  • Experience the sunrise and/or sunset
  • Conduct a magical ceremony for yourself or others
  • Attend a magical class or event
  • Spend time in meditation connecting with your Divine Team
  • Make an essential oil spray or bath salt mixture
  • Create an herbal tea blend aligned with intention
  • Celebrate Samhain in a magical way

Magic does not have to be scary. However, you must respect the power of the energies of the universe. It is important to understand that you are not allowed to do harm to another human being and you must not push your will on another.

We celebrate sacredness, ceremony, community, and magic in our monthly moon ceremonies! This month, we are learning how to use candles to bring in our intentions and manifest using our personal magical abilities. Find out more about our moon ceremonies on our website.

Dragon Energy Fri, 14 Oct 2022 11:00:00 -0600 [email protected] 9a2e4702-3ddc-4d95-9a00-8c43b8416367 Are dragons real? Dragons are one of the most popular mythological creatures of our time. There have been dragon tales for centuries in many different cultures. You can do your own research and you will find that there are various views on the possibilities that dragons were or are real. I have connected with the dragons for years through meditation, ritual, and my spiritual work. I personally believe that dragons did exist at one time and that they were hunted and slayed by man. These divine creatures still exist within other dimensions and times. They hold the wisdom of the universe and provide protection for each of us and this planet.

Dragons are part of my Divine Team. They assist me in clearing negative and imbalanced energies in my space and center. I have given them permission to provide protection for me and my business. They will clear the energies with their breath of fire.

When the students in my Sacred Temple Mystery School step onto the path of Warriors of Light, they are given a full team of dragons to work with on their spiritual path. They have an Ascension Dragon and a dragon for each of the directions/elements. The dragons assist them in facing their shadows and working through the energies that block and prevent them from fully stepping onto their divine path.

If you are interested in working with the dragons, you can set the intention to call them forward in your life. They are a powerful force of energy, and they will assist you in making the big changes in your life. They are great to work with on deep healing, wounds, and trauma.


Have you connected with the Dragon Realm? Do you think you are a dragon? Take the time to answer these questions:

  1. Are you protective of the people that you love?
  2. Do you have the endurance to complete a project or task?
  3. Are you passionate about your beliefs?
  4. Do you find yourself routing for the underdog?
  5. Are you able to provide deep wisdom to others?
  6. Do require the people in your life to be honest and authentic?
  7. Are you awkward in some situations?
  8. Do you love fire rituals?
  9. Are you loyal in your relationships?
  10. Do you respect authority?
  11. Are you a leader?
  12. Do others seek your advice?
  13. Are you grounding for other individuals?

If you answered yes to most of these questions, you may have some dragon energy in your soul.

BUSINESS CORNER: Time for You Fri, 07 Oct 2022 11:00:00 -0600 [email protected] 90cb9758-e058-4ee1-ac8d-7129ad64b161 What does it mean to set healthy boundaries for yourself as a business owner? When you own your own business, it can be rewarding, fulfilling, and overwhelming. It can become all-consuming since everything falls on your shoulders. The success, the failure, the impact, the outcome. These can drive you to want to be connected to the business 24/7. BALANCE IS KEY

Studies have shown that working longer hours does not make us more productive. Productivity has shown to decrease with working more hours. It is important that you take time to care for yourself and allow yourself to recharge in order to be more productive in your business. When you are exhausted and/or overwhelmed, you are not able to give 100% of yourself to the task.


You need to strive for work life balance when you own your own business. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Set your work hours: Block times in your schedule for specific task areas and include time for yourself.
  2. Prioritize: Take the time to prioritize your tasks weekly. Make a list of the four items that you must complete this week. Time and schedules tend to go off track, so don’t over commit.
  3. Make time for breaks: Take time to get away from the tasks and work. Make it a habit to take a walk, sleep in late, treat yourself to something fun, etc.
  4. Spend time with people you love: Make this a priority and give time to those that you love.
  5. Share the workload: Delegate tasks to others. Find things that people are willing to do or are good at doing.

Make sure that you are taking time for yourself. At Discover Your Spiritual Gifts, we have created a volunteer program. We have a Volunteer Coordinator that is managing the volunteer program. There is a wide-range of opportunities for individuals to step in and help the center. If you would like to volunteer, send your name and email address to [email protected] and request to be added to the volunteer program.

Are your ready to be a spiritual business owner?

I provide coaching to individuals that are starting their own spiritual business and want to move into building their own business of being a healer, reader, or spiritual advisor. I coach individuals that work in the center, providing them solid direction and guidance on their businesses. Check out the website for information on business consulting, coaching, and mentoring.

The Power of Sound Healing Thu, 29 Sep 2022 11:00:00 -0600 [email protected] b32ff81c-fa7e-47fd-8e84-487ca2fcb615 Have you ever experienced a sound healing? Sounds affect our emotions, thoughts, and physical health. Think about the impact sound has on your entire being when you are in a room with screaming children, you are sitting by a moving stream, or you are listening to the crash of the ocean waves. How does each one of these experiences affect your emotions, thoughts, and physical health? Everything is energy. Energy is everything. Everything is vibrating at a frequency, including your physical body. Sound frequencies slow down brain waves and allow an individual to reach a deep, restorative state of consciousness. Some individuals will go into deep meditation and others will be aware of the shifts happening within their physical body. It is not unusual for someone to feel blocked energies being released.

Some individuals understand that their music can directly impact their emotions, thoughts, and physical health. Have you ever reached for music to shift your mood or day? Some sounds and music make us feel better than others. You may not be consciously aware of how the sound is directly impacting you, but your body is taking the cue from these sounds and rhythms.

Your physical body is composed of 75 – 80 % water. Water is a conductor for energy and frequencies. Sound moves through the physical body and allows the sound waves to release block and stuck energy. This sound allows an individual to reset their energies and to come back to a balanced state. Most individuals feel completely relaxed after a sound healing or sound bath.

Sound healing has been an important part of healing throughout cultures and traditions. The Ancient Egyptians believed that sounds could generate vibrations with healing abilities. They would use “toning” as an ancient method of healing. They would manipulate the vowel sounds using breath and voice to bring forth toning. The goal of the healing is to return individuals into harmonic balance.


  • Reduces anxiety and stress
  • Reduces headaches
  • Reduces anger, frustration, and depression
  • Shifts your moods and energy
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Assists with pain management
  • Reduces risk of stroke and coronary artery disease
  • Improves sleep
  • Clears energy blocks
  • Releases stuck energy in the physical
  • Boosts confidence
  • Brings in more clarity

Sound baths are an opportunity for individuals to have a sound healing session for 30 – 90 minutes at an affordable cost. Most of these program’s range in pricing from $20 - $60 depending on the number of individuals playing and the sound instruments being used. A monthly commitment to treating yourself and your physical body to sound can be considered a commitment to self-care.

Our center hosts four Sacred Sound Baths each month for our community. This experience includes two healers, on both sides of the room, with attendees resting in the middle of the room.

Energies of the Autumn Equinox Thu, 22 Sep 2022 11:00:00 -0600 [email protected] a31e3004-842c-4cd1-8e61-04c9efac9bcf The autumn equinox in the northern hemisphere is September 22nd this year. This marks the first day of fall. During an equinox, the sun is crossing the Earth’s equator. This is the time of the year when the days become shorter than the nights. REFLECTION

The month of September is a time for Reflection. Take a pause this month for reflecting on the year.


  • What were your goals, dreams, and desires for 2022?
  • What have you accomplished, completed, and shifted in 2022?
  • What do you want to complete before the holidays or the end of the year?
  • What actions or steps need to be taken in the next few months?

Allow yourself to step into the element of water. The element of water brings in the energies of reflection, flow, healing and forgiveness and it allows us to connect to the emotions of our heart. Take time to find your flow for the rest of the year and to be consciously mindful of your choices and decisions.


The energies of early fall, bring in the time for harvest. This is normally when families and communities would gather their harvest and prepare for return. They would celebrate the harvest and hold a space of gratitude for another opportunity to collect the bounty of the earth. What have you been harvesting in your life? What are you grateful for in your life? As the leaves change color, the air becomes crisper, and the days get shorter, make sure that you are taking the time to appreciate this season of harvest and connection.

Some ideas to consider:

  • Take a drive to view the fall colors in the mountains
  • Find a pumpkin farm and gather family and friends for a harvest
  • Look for an old fashion fall festival to enjoy
  • Create or bake fresh apple treats and desserts
  • Mix up a pot of apple cider

Start some new fall traditions for you and your loved ones this holiday season. Take the time to reflect, be grateful, and to connect to this beautiful planet.
