Randi Botnick

Special guest

Randi's journey in the healing arts began in 1997 when she embarked on her path with her first Reiki certification. Since then, she has accumulated a vast array of expertise, including becoming a Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki Master, an Integrative Yoga Teacher, and a Clinical Hypnotherapist. Her dedication to helping others achieve balance and healing has led her to establish SpiritWithin Studios in southern Maryland, where she has touched countless lives through yoga, meditation, Reiki healing sessions, and hypnotherapy.

In addition to her extensive practical experience, Randi is also a published author, having penned the insightful book "Foundations of Energy Healing: The Essential Guide for Opening Into the Quantum Field." This comprehensive guide delves into various aspects of healing, including the human energy field, intuitive abilities, and emotional clearing techniques, offering valuable insights for both practitioners and individuals on their healing journey.

One of the most intriguing aspects of Randi's work is her channeling abilities, through which she connects with galactic entities such as the Arcturians and the Starseed Nation. Her messages and teachings from these higher realms offer profound wisdom on topics such as heart-centered living, finding personal joy, and the interplay between ego and spirit.

Today as a psychic healer and a channel, Randi receives holistic information about health, life trajectories, and ascension information. This information can be found on her YouTube channel as well as in her book, Your Dose of Truth.

Randi Botnick has been a guest on 1 episode.