Sacred Magic
Your Hosts
Vialet B Rayne
Vialet B Rayne has hosted 129 episodes.
Vialet B Rayne is a spiritual educator, speaker, author, leader, healer, and mentor for individuals that are awakening to their divine purpose. She has created a sacred sanctuary in Denver Colorado called Discover Your Spiritual Gifts. As the magical creator of Discover Your Spiritual Gifts. She believes that we are meant to have abundant and joyful lives. Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to empower their lives.
Vialet is a transformational healer, business coach, author, speaker, and teacher. She is passionate about empowering other individuals to live better lives. Her goal is to provide uplifting and motivational programs, classes, and shows for individuals searching for more positive influences in their lives.
Discover Your Spiritual Gifts offers 30+ classes and events each month. You can check out Vialet's classes at: CLASSES
Vialet offers a variety of online spiritual classes. These programs are designed to empower you to live the life that you always dreamed of. There are many benefits to taking classes online. They offer flexibility, convenience, and easy access. Check out the programs at: https://discoveryourspiritualgifts.academySERVICES
She offers a variety of services in her Sacred Sanctuary at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts (DYSG) in Littleton, CO. Vialet has been on her spiritual path for several years and has a passion for sharing her gifts and teachings with her students and clients. Check out her services at:
Vialet has written over 40+ books. Many of the books are used in the classes that teaches. In 2022, she decided to start releasing some of her books for public purchase. You can check out her books at: -
Nikki Milton
Nikki Milton has hosted 5 episodes.
Nikki Milton is the Center Guardian and Marketing Manager of Discover Your Spiritual Gifts. She has worked at the center since 2019. Nikki is Vialet's oldest daughter. She is a Sacred Priestess of the Sacred Temple Mystery School.