Sacred Magic

Magic is the art of shifting our experiences through our sacred consciousness in accordance with Divine will.

Crystals for Expansion & Growth

This month, we will connect with the crystals, herbs, and essential oils that support us with growth. You will be given the tools to support your personal, professional, and spiritual growth. When you invest time, money, and energy in yourself, you can expand your perspective and consciousness.

Are you ready to invest in yourself?

You can view the video at:

The crystals featured for clearing this month are Amethyst, Angelite, Celestite Charoite, Iolite, & Merlinite.

Intuition Peacefulness Protection Spirituality Healing
Third Eye & Crown Chakra * Air & Water Element

Amethyst connects a person to their divine essence. It is a spiritual stone that enhances intuition and spiritual gifts. It brings in clarity and divine purpose. This crystal also brings in the energies of peace.

Angelic Communication Communication Peace Forgiveness
Crown, Third Eye, & Throat Chakra * Wind Element

This crystal connects you to angelic energy. It brings in peace and calm. Angelite is very soothing. This is your guardian angel crystal. It supports you during the most difficult times in your life. It reminds you that you are never alone. Your angels are always with you.

Harmony Balance Inner Peace Communications Grief
Crown, Third Eye, & Throat Chakra * Wind Element

This is an amazing crystal for supporting deep states of meditation and connection to the higher dimensions. This crystal assists in aligning one with their divine purpose and walking towards the light.

Acceptance Inner Vision Transformation Clarity
Crown, Third Eye, & Heart Chakra * Wind Element

Charoite connects one to their spirituality and raises their vibration. This crystal allows the crown chakra to fully connect to the physical body, providing clearer communication with the divine. It stimulates the energies of the crown and third eye chakras, opening the individual’s spiritual gifts and enhancing their intuition.

Intuitive Gifts Divine Connection Meditation Enlightenment
Third Eye Chakra * Water & Air Element

This is a strong, sacral crystal. It gets energies moving in the areas of creativity. It is an ideal stone for individuals looking for new ideas or innovative solutions. This crystal encourages you to see new perspectives and get going!

Psychic Abilities Empowerment Courage Balance
All Chakras * Earth & Fire Element

Merlinite unlocks your consciousness and assists you in moving past the day-to-day concerns of your life. It teaches you to harness the power and magic of the universe to manifest your dreams into reality. This crystal will accelerate your awakening process so you may step into your true potential.

In this month’s class, you will connect with the crystals, herbs, and essential oils needed to support you in your expansion and growth. These tools will assist you in becoming more divinely connected. This month, learn about these spiritual tools.

The teachings include:

  • Ascension
  • Faden Crystals
  • Angel Numbers
  • Power of Beliefs
  • Intuitive Gifts
  • Setting An Altar
  • Spirit Guides
  • Sacred Space
  • Bringing in Rituals
  • Raise Your Vibration
  • Love Your Life
  • Energies of June
  • Pull Your Card for June
  • And, so much more

ACTION: Register today to attend Crystal Alchemy for Growth at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts. When you attend in person in Littleton, Colorado, you get 25% off your crystal purchases on the night of your class. Find out more and register here:

NOTE: You can also attend the online class at:

The book is available on Amazon.

You can view the video at: