Sacred Magic

Magic is the art of shifting our experiences through our sacred consciousness in accordance with Divine will.

Crystals for New Beginnings

_Are you looking for crystals to support and assist you with bringing in new things or starting a new project? _

These crystals will assist you in beginning new things in your life. Are you working on a new project? Are you seeking a new job? Are you wanting a new home? These are the perfect crystals to assist you in bringing new things into your life.

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The crystals featured for new beginnings this month are Amazonite, Chrysocolla, Labradorite, Rainbow Moonstone, Clear Quartz, & Clear Calcite.


Peace Maker Harmony Calmness Ease Inspiration

Heart & Throat Chakra * Earth & Water Element

This is the stone of peace, truth, harmony, and communication. It gently soothes anxiety and stress. When you are ready to start new things or to begin with a new perspective, Amazonite can support you in gently stepping into the new energies. It has been called the Peace Maker and is perfect for when you need to find a better way to communicate and connect.


Inner Balance Truth Expression Self Awareness Motivation

Throat & Heart Chakra * Water Element

This stone will allow you to tap into your highest truths. It invites you to tune into your own sense of wonder and knowledge and motivates you to reach for your dreams. It is known as the Teaching Stone as it will stir your curiosity to explore new horizons.


Transformation Truth Energize Protective Motivational

Throat, Third Eye & Crown Chakra * Water Element

This crystal has many magical properties. It can assist you with your inner light reflection and connect you with unseen dimensions. It is called the Stone of Magic. Labradorite will open your third eye and enhance your visions.

Rainbow Moonstone

Balance Harmony Hope Endurance Creativity

Crown Chakra * Water Element

This is a Visionary Stone. It assists us in seeing things more clearly. It intensifies your feminine Goddess energy. Moonstone is highly spiritual by nature. It will support you in your spiritual work. This stone brings in the magical healing qualities of the vibrations of the moon. It will aid you in becoming more emotionally balanced and stimulates creativity.

Clear Quartz

Block Removal Clarity Purification Amplification Ascension

Crown Chakra * All Elements

This crystal is used to program and manifest your intentions, to amplify energies, and to bring clarity into your life. This would be considered the ultimate Rock star of your crystal collection. It is the stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention.

Clear Calcite

Cleanser Purifier Dissolving Forgiveness Connection

Crown Chakra * All Elements

This crystal connects you to the white ray of spiritual alignment and growth. It provides a clear perspective and understanding of how the past relates to the present. Clear calcite brings in the powerful energies of transformation to convert negative energies and thoughts into the highest possibilities. It includes all the colors of the spectrum and connects to all the chakras.

In January, we are connecting with the crystals, herbs, and essential oils that support you with new beginnings and things in Crystal Alchemy. These tools can be powerful for new projects and attracting new things into your life.

The teachings include:

  • Clearing Crystals Techniques
  • Wet/Dry Clearing Methods
  • Getting Crystals Wet
  • Attract New Things Crystal Set
  • Your House Number
  • Letting Go Ritual
  • Space Clearing
  • Smudging Traditions
  • Set Your Yearly Mantra Ritual
  • And, much more

Check out our website at:

ACTION: Register today to attend Crystal Alchemy for Bringing in New Things at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts, you will be provided the tools for attracting new opportunities and things into your life. When you attend in person, you get 25% off your crystal purchases.

NOTE: You can also attend the online class at: The book is available on Amazon. Search for Vialet B Rayne.